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HUSNG 5.25 - Quick Question. HUSNG 5.25 - Quick Question.

01-04-2010 , 02:35 PM
Villain is slightly loose (overall loser player), he has done those miniraises before.

I don't know if this hand is a clear shove or if calling is fine here

I don't think we are yet on a Push or fold situation, but wanted to know what people think of rag Aces in this spot in general.

No Limit Holdem Tournament
2 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by

SB (2,160)
Hero (840)

Blinds: 25/50

Pre-Flop: (75, 2 players) Hero is BB A 4
SB raises to 100, Hero ??
HUSNG 5.25 - Quick Question. Quote
01-04-2010 , 02:38 PM
Whether it's a push depends on his raising frequency. If he shoves more than half his hands you can push this. If you can't you can call (assuming he won't put you to tough decisions postflop) or just fold
HUSNG 5.25 - Quick Question. Quote
01-04-2010 , 02:40 PM
has he been doing minraises with just strong hands or most of his raises?
if only strong hands: fold > AI > call
if most hands: AI > fold > call
HUSNG 5.25 - Quick Question. Quote
01-04-2010 , 02:47 PM
um easiest push ever vs loose player
HUSNG 5.25 - Quick Question. Quote
01-04-2010 , 03:07 PM
I think this is a pretty standard shove assuming that he is a loose player who is raising a very wide range from the button. We can take advantage of some fold equity here by shoving.
HUSNG 5.25 - Quick Question. Quote
01-04-2010 , 03:16 PM
i'd push.
HUSNG 5.25 - Quick Question. Quote
01-04-2010 , 03:20 PM
What troubles me is pushin wth 16BB deep. I'm not used to that.

And answering the questions: He's been minraising lots of hands, i know his range for raising is really wide.

And i think i have some fold equity here..
HUSNG 5.25 - Quick Question. Quote
01-04-2010 , 04:15 PM
get used to it if you're playing husngs? you should be willing to 3b shove even deeper than 16bb (opponent dependent obv), if you're not willing to you'll get exploited.
in this case given that villain has wide range it's a SUPER easy shove imo... I think shove>fold>call honestly.
HUSNG 5.25 - Quick Question. Quote
01-10-2010 , 02:24 AM
shove. especially if you're saying he's raising really wide and have you think you have good fold equity. in that case, it's not even close.

I think that calling here is out of the question with just plays much too poorly post-flop
HUSNG 5.25 - Quick Question. Quote
01-10-2010 , 01:30 PM
yea most players start min-raising or raising smaller pre when the blinds get high. I think this is definitely a shove. You'd be surprised sometimes by the FE that you have when 3-bet shoving...sometimes you will be surprised with what they will call you with as well.
HUSNG 5.25 - Quick Question. Quote
