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HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ

01-29-2010 , 11:21 AM
Hi there,

How would you have played this? The opponent had played very aggressively the whole time.

Full Tilt Poker $11 + $0.50 Heads Up No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t40/t80 Blinds - 2 players - View hand 505824
The Official Hand History Converter

Hero (BB): t1160 M = 9.67
BTN/SB: t1840 M = 15.33

Pre Flop: (t120) Hero is BB with J J
BTN/SB calls t40, Hero raises to t240, BTN/SB calls t160

Flop: (t480) 6 Q 3 (2 players)
Hero ...?
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-29-2010 , 11:56 AM

U could bet larger or smaller or w/e. Just bet an amount that he will shove over either thinking he has fold equity or doing so to protect his hand.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-29-2010 , 12:20 PM
Get the money in however villain will put it in the fastest.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-29-2010 , 02:00 PM
yea bet/call this off.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-29-2010 , 02:17 PM
Def. not give this hand up. If he's an aggressive fish he might call you with fe. a 6, thinking you have overs with a flushdraw. Hell, even if he has a Q, I don't think he has a higher club with it, because that would mean Ac or Kc, and AK/AQ probably - given his aggressive game - went AI preflop. So in the worst case you have the best draw.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-29-2010 , 02:23 PM
Thanks for you comments, guys. Cleared up my thoughts on this.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-29-2010 , 02:42 PM
Shove is cool, as is bet/call.. shoving looks weaker like your shoving a draw and/or just taking advantage of the FE, which may lead to more a spewy call, but if he's really aggro there's a school of thought of letting him bluff you with a bet/call line.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-29-2010 , 02:43 PM
Cbet the flop, and call a raise imo. How many Qx hands call your HUGE preflop 3bet? AQ would probably shove over your raise, which leaves KQ and maybe QJ if he's loose. So you're probably still ahead, no point not to bet for value.

You also have a good flush draw since only Ac/Kc stand a chance of beating you if another flush card drops on the turn/river.

I'd be pretty happy to get it in here.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-29-2010 , 02:48 PM
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-29-2010 , 03:21 PM

Based on his call pf and his aggressive play so far I would have to think absolute worst case scenario would be a queen with a weak kicker. However, I think you could also get some play from a weaker club--depending on how fishy this guy is!

Also, curious---why don't many people post the results of the hands? It makes me curious to know what happened
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-29-2010 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Palmerston
Also, curious---why don't many people post the results of the hands? It makes me curious to know what happened
Because it influences the posts of those analysing the hand. A lot of people will say "easy fold" if they know the villain lost the hand, just to look good...when in reality, they wouldn't say that without knowing the result. The answers are more unbiased if you don't know the result.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-29-2010 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Radeh
... How many Qx hands call your HUGE preflop 3bet? AQ would probably shove over your raise, which leaves KQ and maybe QJ if he's loose. So you're probably still ahead, no point not to bet for value.
we 3x'd his limp...

I think b/c'ing here is the best line usually. With reads on villain you can take different lines for value(c/r; c/c, c/r; c/c Jam)
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-30-2010 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by Palmerston

Also, curious---why don't many people post the results of the hands? It makes me curious to know what happened
Hi, if you're still reading this thread, since I've gotten lots of answers already, it's ok to show the results. It's just as Radeh said before, it can affect peoples' answers if I post the results immediately. Here it is; I shoved the flop based on my reads that the opponent was very aggressive, thought he might call w/2nd pair or worse:

Full Tilt Poker $11 + $0.50 Heads Up No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t40/t80 Blinds - 2 players - View hand 505824
The Official Hand History Converter

Hero (BB): t1160 M = 9.67
BTN/SB: t1840 M = 15.33

Pre Flop: (t120) Hero is BB with J J
BTN/SB calls t40, Hero raises to t240, BTN/SB calls t160

Flop: (t480) 6 Q 3 (2 players)
Hero bets t920 all in, BTN/SB calls t920

Turn: (t2320) T (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t2320) Q (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t2320
Hero shows J J (a flush, Queen high)
BTN/SB shows Q K (a flush, King high)
BTN/SB wins t2320

So, this was definitely a cooler based on respondents' answers.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-30-2010 , 07:58 AM
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-30-2010 , 09:21 AM
urgh i hate shoving, we have deck crushed basicly

b/c 215
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-30-2010 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by nathan
urgh i hate shoving, we have deck crushed basicly

b/c 215
There's merit in shoving though. Think about it, shoving comes across as weak and you might get hero called more than you think with a pretty bizarre range of hands. Bet/call seems fine as well, but there definitely is a place for shoving in situations similar to this.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-30-2010 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by bpmst2
There's merit in shoving though. Think about it, shoving comes across as weak and you might get hero called more than you think with a pretty bizarre range of hands. Bet/call seems fine as well, but there definitely is a place for shoving in situations similar to this.
the hands that hero call us are jamming/calling anyway, and when we shove we make him fold his air with clubs hands
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-30-2010 , 06:18 PM
Your stack size is pretty low once you flop.

I'd probably just shove, if he's enough of a fish to call/call pf, he's enough of a fish to make a dumb call on this flop, with possibly a lot of worse pocket pairs, 6s, and naked clubs in his calling range.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-30-2010 , 06:37 PM
i don't like the shove. you're going to narrow his range significantly. i'd bet around 1/2 and call.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-30-2010 , 06:50 PM
+1 to b/c

-2 to shove
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-30-2010 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by taikogod
+1 to b/c

-2 to shove
At the flop hero has 920 and there's 480 in the pot, so shoving and betting aren't hugely different moves.

If we make a decent sized bet of 300 let's say, the fishy vill might call, and when he makes his flush on the turn we are priced into calling any bets (there will be 1080 in the pot and we will have 620 in our stack, plus we have jack high flush, no-brainer). Also, if a non-jack ace or king comes on the turn it will make the hand more difficult to play, especially OOP.

Also if a non-club brick comes on the turn, we have the shove the turn for our remaining 620, as we do not want to give the vill a free river to draw, and the fishy vill might just fold a high club, which he might have gambled on at the flop.

Betting is OK, but I prefer to shove. And I certainly wouldn't consider it a far inferior move.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-30-2010 , 09:02 PM
don't shove, keep the air ! that's my slogan
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-30-2010 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Radeh
Cbet the flop, and call a raise imo. How many Qx hands call your HUGE preflop 3bet? AQ would probably shove over your raise, which leaves KQ and maybe QJ if he's loose. So you're probably still ahead, no point not to bet for value.

You also have a good flush draw since only Ac/Kc stand a chance of beating you if another flush card drops on the turn/river.

I'd be pretty happy to get it in here.
people limp/calling with these stacksizes usually dont have hands as strong as you suggest... i mean, cmon
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
01-30-2010 , 09:37 PM
betting pretty small on this flop, I wanna get called by weak clubs that will def put more money in when they hit. Probably never folding to.
HUSNG 11$ Turbo - Flop decision w/ JJ Quote
