Couldt find an official combined small/low holdem thread to ask this question in, pls move if not appropriate here
Question: What is a good number for the filter of hands (how many last months) in your HUD? Not datamining so its quite difficult to get a decent sample on someone. My main site is also not being tracked so the online db's dont do anything for me.
If I choose something like last 12 months i have plenty of hands on people (so that certain stats like fold to river cb are meaningful) but i dont pick up on any big changes in their game
If I choose something like 3 months i pick up on changes but also have low samples that render a lot of stats meaningless
Just wondering what do you guys use or is there an advisory number?
I have no definitive answer nor proof of what is better. For MDA purposes, I usually don't go more than 12 months into the past, so I use the same timeframe for HUD stats in my personal DB, just to be consistent.
I played 30k hands in about 4.5 weeks, imported them into H2N to check my own stats, and I still didn't get enough good sample for most river stuff other than overall river fold vs any bet, and river bet, so be very careful when making any deviation based on river stats you see in your HUD.