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HU Set on River, 400bb's deep HU Set on River, 400bb's deep

11-30-2008 , 05:54 PM
Have been playing villian for maybe 100 hands or so. In that time he has been pretty spewy preflop, making random open raises that range anywhere from 20 to 60bb's. He has been 3 betting a decient amount and when he does 3 bet it he has been largely overbetting the pot. Often raising 8-10x my open raise size.

On the flop he has been donking pot alot, seemingly regardless of flop texture, or with some pattern I could pick up on; it felt entirely random. Haven't seem him run any big bluffs or bluff that much in general. Alot of hands have gone him limp the button, me raise like an AT type hand and we check it down I win with A high.

Significant big pot hands:

Hand 1: 180bb effective stacks. I raise BTN with AQs, he makes his standard huge 3 bet, I 4 bet just a little over the size of the pot, he insta jams. I reluctantly call and he has AK, he flops a K but I go runner runner broadway. After this hand he started spazzing a bit more preflop.

Hand 2: 300bb effective stacks. Villian open raises to 23bb's on the BTN, I 3 bet AKs to 70bb's, villian calls. I lead half pot on AK9 two tone flop, villian insta ships K9 I hold.

Hand 3: 210bb effective stacks. I raise BTN to 3bb's with 77, villian 3 bets to 42bb's. I didn't think I would catch enough favorable flops to just call and was to strong against villians range to fold so I shove and he snap calls A7 and binks an A on the flop.

Now for the hand in question:

Approx 400bb effective stacks. I raise BTN with JJ, villian calls from BB. Flop is AK8 with two clubs and villian donks out pot. I felt he did this with an 8, club draw, and maybe a few gut shots enough to peel and see if he slows down on the turn. Turn is something like an offsuit 4 and action goes check/check. River is a non club J and villian checks. Pot is 18bb's I bet out 14bb's hoping to get a call. Villian thinks for half a second and reraises pot to 60bb's. I think we have to reraise at this point for value so I make a small raise to 130bb's and villian insta ships the rest of his stack.

HU Set on River, 400bb's deep Quote
11-30-2008 , 05:58 PM
call. you have a set against a donk that will stack off with 2pr.
HU Set on River, 400bb's deep Quote
11-30-2008 , 06:00 PM
call, although vs some i definitely fold, i think he spazzes out a lot more with worse sets/2 pair than has QT exactly, very rarely AA and KK as well
HU Set on River, 400bb's deep Quote
11-30-2008 , 06:13 PM
First let me say that this write up is what is required to get any sort of usefull insight into a hand.

Lovely spot no? We have to assume that he's 3betting a lot of big aces and AA/KK to his standard huge overbet (Hand 1 3bets AK). He even 3bets A7 in Hand 3 so we can reduce the frequency that we expect he holds any ace in his hand (obviously no clue how well this guy balances, assuming nil). This is probably part of your thinking for as to why you peel the flop right? You assume that not many, if any, aces are in his range?

Also have to ask, which of the AK8 were clubs because I do think that it makes a difference here.

On turn he checks a blank to you, I think you have to fire this for value if we go by the assumption that he rarely, if ever, holds an ace at this point and by your other read that villain (somehow) rarely bluffs. At worst, we get called by something like KT and about half the deck can be used as a bluffcard, plus hero should be holding a lot of aces in his range (although I dont know frequency you call behind on 2 flush flop or raise it).

River is standard value bet. What is his c/r frequency and has any of those hands got to showdown before?

The fact that villain insta-shipped K9 that other hand and A7 pre makes me lean towards calling. Its really sick though because villain sucks so bad that hero should be pretty confident that he can stack him later on. The fact that villain hasnt bluffed before and then decides to 4betshove for 400BB in a tame pot is really sick. His range is essentially bluffs/nuts so if we can eliminate bluffs from his range then....

This is just going off of your description of villain so unless you have seen villain bluff before (not sure how its possible that you havnt with his massive overbets) you have to fold with your history.
HU Set on River, 400bb's deep Quote
11-30-2008 , 06:16 PM
with your prelude about how villain plays you can't fold, but I would for sure make a much bigger 3bet on the river since villain seems to have no ability to fold.
HU Set on River, 400bb's deep Quote
11-30-2008 , 06:18 PM
I dont think that OP ever states that villain has no ability to fold. I think he is just really aggro and spewy (probably never calls)
HU Set on River, 400bb's deep Quote
11-30-2008 , 06:21 PM
But yes, 3bet bigger on river unless you know that the sizing will make him go 4betape****
HU Set on River, 400bb's deep Quote
11-30-2008 , 07:16 PM
On the flop the A and K were clubs.

Don't have pokertracker or holdem manager so I don't have any stats but villians aggression was definetly lower on the turn and river compared to flop and preflop. I want to say this was the first CR on either the turn or river in the match, like 95% sure it was.
HU Set on River, 400bb's deep Quote
11-30-2008 , 07:22 PM
Sick since QT is actually a bigger part of your range than it is his I think (dont know if he knows this or not, and what he would do with it even if he did).

Im just going by villain doesnt bluff + you both rep nuts + you hold 4th nuts = fold.

Also, effective stacks are 400BB but if you have lets say 600BB and he has 400 then this is waaay closer to a fold
HU Set on River, 400bb's deep Quote
11-30-2008 , 08:54 PM
Snap call. Most of the time you're good with Set of jacks.
HU Set on River, 400bb's deep Quote
