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*******HU CASH Regs thread******* *******HU CASH Regs thread*******

04-06-2011 , 03:09 PM
Ive always used the routing number of my local bank
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04-06-2011 , 03:14 PM
Im not certain but i think it might be different for bigger banks, all i know is he didnt give me a routing number for that specific bank.
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04-06-2011 , 03:17 PM
I could be mistaken here but routing numbers arent specific to each individual bank. They are specific to the region in which it is located so Im like 99% certain you should use your normal routing number.
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04-06-2011 , 04:08 PM
Processor stuff is so annoying, I just got a wire from FT which took a month.
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04-06-2011 , 05:12 PM
quick HM question, anyone know how to edit the default pop up window when you click on a player's hud?

I tried Hud popup configuration, but the only thing that looks close to the default pop up is something called "sample" and modifying that one seem to have no effect to the actual pop up windows. Is that default pop up just non-editable?
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 05:16 PM
You can always create a custom pop up and tie it to a statistic

EDIT: HUD Options->HUD Popup Configuration

You can always opt to clone the default and make changes as you see fit
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 06:07 PM
If a guy with $221 sits with you at 400NL and shoves his very first hand to your button open, do you call with KJs?
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 06:09 PM
HAVE FTP, WANT STARS - anything up to 25k
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04-06-2011 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by quicksand
If a guy with $221 sits with you at 400NL and shoves his very first hand to your button open, do you call with KJs?
I did the other day. I think it's a tiny tiny edge, but I also think you have to take it since the likelyhood of them being a HNR is even higher.

He had A6o fwiw and I "sucked out". I ran a whole bunch of Stoves based on some conservative estimates and had ~52% equity there.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by AcTiOnJaCsOn
this thread became readable again
this is a good thread
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 06:30 PM
and jungleman stopping by, this thread has come a long way in 2 pages
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04-06-2011 , 06:41 PM
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 07:00 PM
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 07:34 PM
Jungleman is the Don Corleone of the HU cash regs thread. He doesn't forget about his family.
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04-06-2011 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by fjbourne
and jungleman stopping by, this thread has come a long way in 2 pages
ya rly. Post more please jungle.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by MasterLJ
I think it's a tiny tiny edge
I don't think it's tiny at all tbh. How can it be tiny if conservative sims give you 52% equity? :/
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by jungleman
this is a good thread
+1 billion for Jungleman's expected lifetime winnings. SICKO!
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 09:14 PM
Sweden's judicial system makes a ruling that you all know is true in your hearts: SNG poker is mostly skill, cash poker is mostly luck.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by kaby
I don't think it's tiny at all tbh. How can it be tiny if conservative sims give you 52% equity? :/
Because there's always margin for error in those sims... although I will say my I looked back to see the situation with my "KJs" and it was actually KJo. KJs would probably not be close at all.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 09:45 PM
Random observer chatting:

[Jizzmaster7]: who the ***k plays 1 on 1
[Jizzmaster7]: get a life
z32fanatic: k

Apparently I do not meet the social acceptance standards of Jizzmaster7. Re-evaluating my life for the rest of the week.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-06-2011 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by MasterLJ
Because there's always margin for error in those sims...
yeah that's why we make conservative sims in spots like that that don't account for the times where their range is all 95o though right?
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-07-2011 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by bearpolar7
Bumhunting isn't just a strategy, it's a lifestyle.
This is going on a mug, now I just need a picture to go with it. Suggestions?
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-07-2011 , 12:29 AM
I feel like this works...

Last edited by NostraDonkus; 04-07-2011 at 12:37 AM.
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04-07-2011 , 01:07 AM
Does anyone here wear glasses when playing ? Do think they might be better for eyes if your playing long hours..
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
04-07-2011 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by MasterLJ
I don't think you have to actively seek out regs to not be a bumhunter. Honestly though, if you were looking for a way to increase your tilt tolerance, give it a shot.
I think we're arguing about different things. The fact that D sits at a 50nl table and waits for action, then quits if he thinks they're better or equal (let's face it, this means a reg), then he is essentially a bumhunter.

I suppose if he were worse he could be one of the regs who insta checks PTR as soon as someone sits down, this would just make him a BH who breaks the T&C of the site.
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