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03-04-2011 , 11:29 PM
brandons in the trunk with the FULL SIZED SPARE
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03-04-2011 , 11:54 PM

Ready or not, here i shove, make you fold. Gonna bluuuff you, and take ur moniez...
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03-05-2011 , 12:04 AM
was just watching this fish hit n run this guy and found the chat after he sat out pretty hilarious.

YouOnlyLivOnce: @!!# italy
YouOnlyLivOnce: all italians are scum
doctorpokernew: donk
YouOnlyLivOnce: just dirty #!%#ing people
doctorpokernew: chicken
YouOnlyLivOnce: such a shi,tty country
doctorpokernew: you and me
YouOnlyLivOnce: all cowards
doctorpokernew: lol
doctorpokernew: doyle
doctorpokernew: ahahahaaha
doctorpokernew: donk
YouOnlyLivOnce: ur a scumbag itallian just like the rest
YouOnlyLivOnce: they win a few hands and run like a pussy
doctorpokernew: thank's for 1467
doctorpokernew: donk
doctorpokernew: ahahahahaha
doctorpokernew: ahahahahaha
doctorpokernew: ahahahahaha
doctorpokernew: doctorpokernew: ahahahahaha
doctorpokernew: doctorpokernew: ahahahahaha
doctorpokernew: doctorpokernew: ahahahahaha
YouOnlyLivOnce: u must be down so much on this site u stupid italian
doctorpokernew: doctorpokernew: ahahahahaha
doctorpokernew: doctorpokernew: ahahahahaha
doctorpokernew: doctorpokernew: ahahahahaha
doctorpokernew: doctorpokernew: ahahahahaha
doctorpokernew: doctorpokernew: ahahahahaha
doctorpokernew: chicken
YouOnlyLivOnce: u are down thousands on this site
doctorpokernew: hello

lmao i love the random "lol doyle" part.
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03-05-2011 , 01:25 AM
Just saw Hall Pass, I laughed a lot more than I expected to
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03-05-2011 , 02:04 AM

That sucks... that's abuse of power etc. Sucks because cops can basically get away with murder these days.

What's with all the people getting arrested for videotaping cops?
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03-05-2011 , 02:06 AM
I had the pleasure of playing doctorpokernew earlier. He 3bets like 75%. I took one his min buyins off him only to flat a 25bb 3bet with AA and get out flopped by J3o. He immediately ran after getting back to even.
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03-05-2011 , 02:51 AM
Any general guidelines how to play in RUSH MiniFTOPS #3 tournament? Does amount of hands( the speed you play at) affects the outcome?
Also, what are those MULTI-entry tournaments? What is an advantage of registering 4 out 4 times?
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03-05-2011 , 05:30 AM
Warder, i know what stakes you play. I'd tell the cop he's not getting his power trip today and tell him how worthless he is while telling him to stfu and write me my ticket (not advisable if it is a situation where he can arrest you though, if so leave the stfu part out)

Also ask for his name and badge # just to piss him off
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03-05-2011 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by rbracco
Warder, i know what stakes you play. I'd tell the cop he's not getting his power trip today and tell him how worthless he is while telling him to stfu and write me my ticket (not advisable if it is a situation where he can arrest you though, if so leave the stfu part out)

Also ask for his name and badge # just to piss him off
yeh i rly like this method if u can afford
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03-05-2011 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by Warder

I once had an experience with my wife that put me in a similar state of mind although not as bad as your ordeal. We were coming home from a trip to NYC and my wife had to go to the bathroom. As we pull into a rest top there are two arrows directing vehicles where to go, one for cars and the other for trucks(the parking lots are unattached to one another. Naturally, i pull into the car section of the parking lot only to find out that ever single parking space is taken up as well as a few additional spaces that people had turned into temporary parking spots. At this point she really has to go so i pull into the only spot that could fit a car and not block traffic flow in the parking lot. The only space was an area blocked off in front of a sidewalk ramp. Not wanting to block somebody in a wheelchair i stayed far enough away and off to the side to allow access. I put my 4ways on and my wife goes to the bathroom while i stay in the car.

Just as i see my wife coming out a state trooper pulls up beside me and motions for me to roll my window down.

Cop: What's wrong with you?

Me: I know, i'm really sorry officer.. it's just that there are actually no parking spaces in the.... he cuts me off.

Cop: I don't care, there are plenty of spaces over in the other lot (points)

Me: (at this point my wife has just come back and gotten in the car)Yeah there are, but the sign directed cars to this lot, and there's no way to get back over..

Cop: Apparantly you aren't understanding what i'm saying son, do you want a ticket. I could give you a $200 citation right now. How would you like that?

Me: I wouldn't like...

Cop: You need to shut up and listen, because all your doing is digging yourself deeper and deeper in the hole

Copdirects his attention to my wife)You need to explain to your husband that i'm trying to him a favor. He did something wrong didn't he?

Wife: Yes he did officer

Cop: I could give him a ticket for that, couldn't I?

Wife: Yes you could officer.

Cop: I want you to tell your husband what he did wrong......go ahead.... tell him.

My wife proceeds to say exactly what he wants to hear.

Cop: He probably does this sort of thing a lot, doesn't he?

Wife: I think he just made a mistake, I don't think he meant to do it.

Cop: You don't have to stick up for him. He knows he did something wrong, isn't that right? (I nod)

Cop: (Looking back at me)I'll tell you what, because of your wife, I'm going to be nice and not give you a ticket. Instead of paying $200 for a ticket, you're going to take your wife out and spend $200 on her for dinner, is that understood? (Looks at my wife) Would you like if i did that for you?

Wife: Yes I would.

Cop: You're lucky she's got a lot more sense than you do. (Looks at wife) Ok well see to it that this sort of thing doesn't happen again. Have a nice day
why wouldnt u just take the ticket instead? not worth it taking such harrasment imo
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03-05-2011 , 08:42 AM
Warder, that perverted cop almost had sex with your wife and definetly had it with you, lol, thinking, get this biatch for taking my roll online, lmao.
That's why I prefer "3rd world country", because i can protect my decency, as i can tell him to chill, while making a phone call, throw him the 1K banknote (~$30) with the phone to talk to the right guy, and beeing released not said a word ever. I can even buy his cop-hat for another ~$15 and then do a street-race HU my car against police car with turned on syrenes and his partner waving us for the start with his traffic regulation stick for fun, then have couple beers and adios.
Swear I'm serious. Well, it's not that easy nowadays, but used to be exactly like this for very long time, now the only thing changed is price you have to pay.
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03-05-2011 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by PureDiesel
Warder, that perverted cop almost had sex with your wife and definetly had it with you, lol, thinking, get this biatch for taking my roll online, lmao.
That's why I prefer "3rd world country", because i can protect my decency, as i can tell him to chill, while making a phone call, throw him the 1K banknote (~$30) with the phone to talk to the right guy, and beeing released not said a word ever. I can even buy his cop-hat for another ~$15 and then do a street-race HU my car against police car with turned on syrenes and his partner waving us for the start with his traffic regulation stick for fun, then have couple beers and adios.
Swear I'm serious. Well, it's not that easy nowadays, but used to be exactly like this for very long time, now the only thing changed is price you have to pay.
LOL hilarious
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03-05-2011 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by PureDiesel
Warder, that perverted cop almost had sex with your wife and definetly had it with you, lol, thinking, get this biatch for taking my roll online, lmao.
That's why I prefer "3rd world country", because i can protect my decency, as i can tell him to chill, while making a phone call, throw him the 1K banknote (~$30) with the phone to talk to the right guy, and beeing released not said a word ever. I can even buy his cop-hat for another ~$15 and then do a street-race HU my car against police car with turned on syrenes and his partner waving us for the start with his traffic regulation stick for fun, then have couple beers and adios.
Swear I'm serious. Well, it's not that easy nowadays, but used to be exactly like this for very long time, now the only thing changed is price you have to pay.
Lol'd really hard

Yeah i almost told him what a piece of **** he was on how miserable his life must be. I just imagined him tacking on extra violations and turning it into a $600 ticket or something. He probably wouldn't have showed up in traffic court anyway. Also Rbracoo, at the time it was before i had my first 5 fig month and had a girlfriend who i was trying to impress (broke chump at the time, but she's my wife now ldo)
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03-05-2011 , 10:07 AM
Say what you want but online poker is fkd up.

I mean do you know any1 who runs over ev long run?

When played on cake (120k hands) was down a lot, I mean under ev

last month on PS was down a lot with ev, and had so sick actions that decided to stop playing there, e.g 20bi in like 1k hands, most of them coolers.

today played session on FTP:

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03-05-2011 , 11:02 AM
lol im playing a guy who just calls any size bet preflop. i discovered it yesterday and just increased by $1 every time i was on button. he didnt stop calling until i opened to $50 at 3/6. my standard raise now is $35 and he only folds 25% in bb.
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03-05-2011 , 11:08 AM
he has awesome post flop skills so he doesn't care obv
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03-05-2011 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Warder

I once had an experience with my wife that put me in a similar state of mind although not as bad as your ordeal. We were coming home from a trip to NYC and my wife had to go to the bathroom. As we pull into a rest top there are two arrows directing vehicles where to go, one for cars and the other for trucks(the parking lots are unattached to one another. Naturally, i pull into the car section of the parking lot only to find out that ever single parking space is taken up as well as a few additional spaces that people had turned into temporary parking spots. At this point she really has to go so i pull into the only spot that could fit a car and not block traffic flow in the parking lot. The only space was an area blocked off in front of a sidewalk ramp. Not wanting to block somebody in a wheelchair i stayed far enough away and off to the side to allow access. I put my 4ways on and my wife goes to the bathroom while i stay in the car.

Just as i see my wife coming out a state trooper pulls up beside me and motions for me to roll my window down.

Cop: What's wrong with you?

Me: I know, i'm really sorry officer.. it's just that there are actually no parking spaces in the.... he cuts me off.

Cop: I don't care, there are plenty of spaces over in the other lot (points)

Me: (at this point my wife has just come back and gotten in the car)Yeah there are, but the sign directed cars to this lot, and there's no way to get back over..

Cop: Apparantly you aren't understanding what i'm saying son, do you want a ticket. I could give you a $200 citation right now. How would you like that?

Me: I wouldn't like...

Cop: You need to shut up and listen, because all your doing is digging yourself deeper and deeper in the hole

Copdirects his attention to my wife)You need to explain to your husband that i'm trying to him a favor. He did something wrong didn't he?

Wife: Yes he did officer

Cop: I could give him a ticket for that, couldn't I?

Wife: Yes you could officer.

Cop: I want you to tell your husband what he did wrong......go ahead.... tell him.

My wife proceeds to say exactly what he wants to hear.

Cop: He probably does this sort of thing a lot, doesn't he?

Wife: I think he just made a mistake, I don't think he meant to do it.

Cop: You don't have to stick up for him. He knows he did something wrong, isn't that right? (I nod)

Cop: (Looking back at me)I'll tell you what, because of your wife, I'm going to be nice and not give you a ticket. Instead of paying $200 for a ticket, you're going to take your wife out and spend $200 on her for dinner, is that understood? (Looks at my wife) Would you like if i did that for you?

Wife: Yes I would.

Cop: You're lucky she's got a lot more sense than you do. (Looks at wife) Ok well see to it that this sort of thing doesn't happen again. Have a nice day
wow thats ridiculous, its a shame that some officers ruin the badge for everyone. what a douche bag.
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03-05-2011 , 11:44 AM
Everytime I read that story it starts to tilt me to the point that I don't want to play cards for the rest of the day, so can we please stop re-posting it? Please
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03-05-2011 , 12:02 PM
btw the play there is when the officer threatens a ticket is to pull out two c notes and say "well ill give you this because from your demeanor you clearly need it more than myself, it will probably be fruitless but i strongly recommend you try to buy some manners and common courtesy, mmkay?"
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03-05-2011 , 12:23 PM
in the past I've heard that the Venetion offers poker discounts on rooms? Like you have to agree to play x amount a day and u get x amount off a room or something like that, can anyone confirm this is for real and if any other casinos offer a similar deal?
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03-05-2011 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by AcTiOnJaCsOn
btw the play there is when the officer threatens a ticket is to pull out two c notes and say "well ill give you this because from your demeanor you clearly need it more than myself, it will probably be fruitless but i strongly recommend you try to buy some manners and common courtesy, mmkay?"
Try that and let us know how it works out for you. I am sure you are attempting to make a joke but the fact is there are so many morons out there that are horrible with dealing with cops. Don't try to justify yourself and don't make any excuses when dealing with them. They feed off that **** and it won't end well for you. If he just said yes I shouldn't have done this, I will move right away, it would have been fine. If a cop pulls you over for speeding don't feed him ******** that your late or you didn't realize it because that just makes them mad.

Last edited by notfreemoney; 03-05-2011 at 12:34 PM.
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03-05-2011 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by meltdowncity
in the past I've heard that the Venetion offers poker discounts on rooms? Like you have to agree to play x amount a day and u get x amount off a room or something like that, can anyone confirm this is for real and if any other casinos offer a similar deal?
NM got an answer in a different thread, for anyone else interested in this check out
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03-05-2011 , 01:17 PM
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03-05-2011 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by notfreemoney
Try that and let us know how it works out for you. I am sure you are attempting to make a joke but the fact is there are so many morons out there that are horrible with dealing with cops. Don't try to justify yourself and don't make any excuses when dealing with them. They feed off that **** and it won't end well for you. If he just said yes I shouldn't have done this, I will move right away, it would have been fine. If a cop pulls you over for speeding don't feed him ******** that your late or you didn't realize it because that just makes them mad.
If you know you're ****ed for say speeding, making excuses will just make cops more likely to give you a ticket. I'm in Sydney, I got pulled over 1 time, chick cop said you were doing 100 in 70 zone, I said nah didn't break 90, cue lecture it's still 20km over and I could fine you blah blah, then licence check and this a warning, slow down, instant ticket next time you get pulled over. She was quite surprised when I admitted to 90 and it made her pause and re think what she was about to say. Got pulled over for same sort of thing 3 times in 3 month period with no fines. I have a lot more stories like this, as well. Most cops are cool, if you speak to them normally and with respect.

I have had 1 bad cop and i'll tell that story when i'm next on, it's 430am and got to be up at 7am. Karma got his arse though
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03-05-2011 , 01:50 PM
Maybe try not speeding?
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