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How You Beat Micro's How You Beat Micro's

09-12-2011 , 06:26 AM
Hello Guy's ...
I have some question!!!And want your Help.
I play in micro's and i'm new member in world of poker...
What should you do to succeed in Micro's???
And ,what not to do in Micro's???

ABC poker is everything in Micro's? (Play in Position Play only good Hand's and etc)

And something more...I read and lsiten in forum about group for micros for plo and etc.what is that group and how work this???

Soz for my newbies question.!!!.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 06:31 AM
Play ABC poker.

Remember to not get into levelling wars with regs in big pots. If they raise, they have it, don't shove some crap just because you think their line is FOS.

There are times to bluff such as standard cbetting and 3-betting against opponents who fold to 3-bets too much (that's very common among the regs in the micros, 4-bet bluffs are rare). But don't bluff when the opponent has shown strength, unless you're absolutely sure you know what you're doing, ie. you have a large sample and know your opponent's tendencies.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 06:40 AM
May I ask what does "fos" mean?
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 06:42 AM
Full of s__t. Fill in the gaps.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by Barfunkel
Play ABC poker.

Remember to not get into levelling wars with regs in big pots. If they raise, they have it, don't shove some crap just because you think their line is FOS.

There are times to bluff such as standard cbetting and 3-betting against opponents who fold to 3-bets too much (that's very common among the regs in the micros, 4-bet bluffs are rare). But don't bluff when the opponent has shown strength, unless you're absolutely sure you know what you're doing, ie. you have a large sample and know your opponent's tendencies.

Thanks Man...
Can you suggest to read some article or some Post should definitely read...
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 07:11 AM
If your playing 6-max I'd say buying Harringtons 6-max online as a fantastic starter to the game. Provides you with just about everything you need to beat the micros (though some of the advice may be dated). Great read, worth the $$$.

Best advice I have is don't go broke with TPTK, way to many ppl shove all in into sets IMO.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 07:13 AM
Oh and purchase Holden manager or poker tracker, they are a must if you want to improve your game.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 07:29 AM
do not buy any books. just read the memorable strategy threads from this forum, they are stickied to the top.
if you want videos, i suggest you get a free trial for dc and get 6max microstakes videos from there
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by mynameispalle
do not buy any books. just read the memorable strategy threads from this forum, they are stickied to the top.
if you want videos, i suggest you get a free trial for dc and get 6max microstakes videos from there
Problem with books is?

As a newbie I found Harrington very informative, his explanation on hand reading was A+ better than anything I've ever seen on 2+2.

Oh and OP find Verneers blog on beating the micros, very useful with a tonne of links.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 07:44 AM
books are outdated and too expensive
getting a free trial for an instructional site is going to help you a lot more than reading a book for 6m online cash by some 60y old supernit
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 07:52 AM
People learn in different ways though. I learn nothing from videos (of any kind), I just can't concentrate on them. Books deliver the message much better to me.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by mynameispalle
do not buy any books. just read the memorable strategy threads from this forum, they are stickied to the top.
if you want videos, i suggest you get a free trial for dc and get 6max microstakes videos from there
I think that is better!!! Ok boy's
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by Barfunkel
People learn in different ways though. I learn nothing from videos (of any kind), I just can't concentrate on them. Books deliver the message much better to me.
Bingo... Pot odds, hand reading do not date they are basics. I do however agree that some of the content can be a little dated.

OP what ever floats your boat buy I seriously recommend some form of poker tracker, use the free trials, think you can get a month and in some instances joining a particular site can get you it free as a bonus.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 08:30 AM
value bet

don't tilt

no one is playing back at u
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 10:09 AM
really thanks!!!!
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Mark89er
no one is playing back at u

I made this mistake allot back in the says i started.
And allot of other players made that mistake.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Barfunkel
Play ABC poker.
Remember to not get into levelling wars with regs in big pots. If they raise, they have it, don't shove some crap just because you think their line is FOS.
couldn't agree more. example:

SB: $2.05
BB: $12.61
Hero (UTG): $13.11
MP: $13.33
CO: $12.25
BTN: $10.08

SB posts SB $0.05, BB posts BB $0.10

Pre Flop: ($0.15) Hero has A A

Hero raises to $0.40, fold, fold, fold, SB calls $0.35, BB calls $0.30

Flop: ($1.20, 3 players) Q 7 7
SB bets $0.10, BB calls $0.10, Hero raises to $1.10, fold, BB calls $1.00

Turn: ($3.50, 2 players) K
BB bets $1.75, Hero calls $1.75

River: ($7.00, 2 players) 8
BB bets $7.00, fold
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Mark89er
value bet

don't tilt

no one is playing back at u

Before I won at the micros I ALWAYS thought people were playing back at me. Especially pf 3 betting. But you will soon see that more often than not players who 3 bet will show JJ+ AK and maybe AQs.

Dont tilt and realise you arent being picked on, when they 3 bet - they usually do have it.

Also one tip I learnt is that players will often stack off with a worse hand by CALLING bets, rather than betting out themselves. Once they show resistance its often they have it

Therefore dont slow play. Instead value bet all strong hands - even marginal one's on the river. However once they start betting or raising into you - its often time to give up

The only time I may check is on the river when its clear they have a missed flush etc - and to get them to bet out.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 10:52 AM
Very useful thread
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by UgotStued

Before I won at the micros I ALWAYS thought people were playing back at me. Especially pf 3 betting. But you will soon see that more often than not players who 3 bet will show JJ+ AK and maybe AQs.

Dont tilt and realise you arent being picked on, when they 3 bet - they usually do have it.

Also one tip I learnt is that players will often stack off with a worse hand by CALLING bets, rather than betting out themselves. Once they show resistance its often they have it

Therefore dont slow play. Instead value bet all strong hands - even marginal one's on the river. However once they start betting or raising into you - its often time to give up

The only time I may check is on the river when its clear they have a missed flush etc - and to get them to bet out.
I find this to be more and more false as I play more online even on a "soft" site like cake. The regs are 3 betting more often especially against steals.

The games are more aggro and players are more bluff happy on missed draws and they push their flush draws more often than before. Last night I played a hand against a "reg". He was stealing often and I was 3 betting him about 25% of the time he was stealing because he was always stealing. I had AJhh. Flop comes j35cc. I was the SB and bet 3/4 pot and he raises, I jam and he calls with 67 cc and hits his club draw. I've been seeing more and more of these type of situations, where it's difficult if they're semi bluffing or flopped a set.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by mynameispalle
books are outdated and too expensive
getting a free trial for an instructional site is going to help you a lot more than reading a book for 6m online cash by some 60y old supernit
Arent you talking about the"harrington on cashgame" books?
The previous poster was recommending "Harrington on online CashGame" which is surprisingly good.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 11:32 AM
its not as good as instructional sites
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 11:45 AM
verneer's thread on beating the micros > Harrington on Cash.
How You Beat Micro's Quote
09-12-2011 , 11:46 AM
Use the search function
How You Beat Micro's Quote
