How to Play this River? ($0.30-$0.60) Home Game on App
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 15
5 handed, I'm shortest stack with $71. Villain starts hand with $145
UTG: Hero raises 3x to $1.80 with 9dTd
BTN: Villain calls. Blinds fold.
Flop ($4.50) 7s 3c Tc
Hero c-bets $3, Villain calls.
Turn ($10.50) 9s - Board now 7s 3c Tc 9s
Hero bets $10.50, Villain Calls. (Hero now has $57ish behind)
River ($31.50) Ac - Board now 7s 3c Tc 9s Ac
Hero checks, Villain overbets $36 into $31.50.
What should I do on this river? Should I be checking or block betting and folding to a raise? Villain is unknown opponent. In game I ended up calling the overbet and Villain had 5c6c. Is 9dTd a fold to this size? Would appreciate any help. Also, any opinions on turn play? Is my pot size bet there a decent size? Should I be betting more like 3/4 or should I actually be overbetting turn? Should I check raise turn? I feel like there's a lot of options. I don't have Pio or any other solver software so I can't run any sims.
Last edited by hcantrell10; 02-02-2021 at 02:25 PM.
Reason: Adding more info.
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 2,326
You're betting T9s, which means you're most likely betting ATs - JTs. I think that's too wide. Imo, x flop, ob turn. If v bets after you x flop, i'd x raise turn.