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How often do you change tables? How often do you change tables?

12-06-2008 , 09:40 AM
I find myself changing tables quite a lot, because there's just so many loose tables if you play 25NL. What I find as a downside to this table swapping madness is that I sometimes miss a hand, especially at fast tables (AA so many times percentage wise that it makes me sick), because of those reservation notifications that you must click before you can do anything else (on stars).

So is it wiser to just stick to those tables that you start playing a bit longer? I usually leave if there aren't at least two players with VPIP 40+.
How often do you change tables? Quote
12-06-2008 , 10:10 AM
I used to 8-table on FullTilt for long sessions, 4-5k hands, playing very ABC and grinding out bonus/rakeback and I'd rarely change tables unless everyone quit me. I like to build up big stacks, then in the last hour of the session close all my tables except for the ones with the biggest stacks and try and play some real pokers.

Now I'm on iPoker and there's a lot of shortstackers around so I change pretty often, building a roll again means I'm not always comfortable with 300BB's if there are similar stacks at the table.

I don't have any software aids to help in table selection, but I've got notes on most of the regs and there are so many passive ones that it's hard to miss value, I think I prefer changing tables and finding new fish, keeping notes etc, it's good discipline, when I have my 40 buyins for the next level I'll prolly play longer sessions at the same tables.
How often do you change tables? Quote
12-06-2008 , 10:19 AM
The biggest downside of switching tables too often is that it is more difficult to read players. So I guess it also depends on how good is this your skill relative to others. Of course, there is nothing bad in searching for fish.
How often do you change tables? Quote
12-06-2008 , 10:43 AM
I change tables all the time. It's usually when I fish leaves the table and I'm left with just regulars, or I have an aggressive reg on my left who 3-bets a lot. Perhaps you should decrease the number of tables you play if it's interfering with your play?
How often do you change tables? Quote
12-06-2008 , 11:28 AM
I do many times, but it's unitentionaly. I usually open 8 tables when I start playing and join all waiting lists. I usually want to play 3 at the time, but when I see all those loose tables opening up (sometimes they're all very loose), I just can't talk myself out of not playing them missing on some great donk action. Besides I have to play a bit more this month to get gold star.

I'll just open a few less tables when I start and wait a bit more to start playing.
How often do you change tables? Quote
12-06-2008 , 11:51 AM
I change tables really often. Alot of tables are just a whole bunch of nits and regulars playing tight and all you win are blinds.

However, once Ive been at that table for more than 20 minutes, I usually stay, bc now i have developed some reads
How often do you change tables? Quote
12-06-2008 , 11:55 AM
I usually change a lot, but i´m trying to stay a little bit longer at the tables. One of the great aspects is that you are gathering more information about players, so when you find yourself playing 1 hour at some table you will have a much better idea of what kind of players you are facing, since you have more stats.
I 4-table, but sometimes the players quit and i find myself alone at the tables. And other times i just get out when the tables become much tighter than initially.
How often do you change tables? Quote
12-07-2008 , 12:07 PM
Yeah, the real problem with multitabling is that you just rely to much on stats. You don't have the time to really observe opponent's behavior, to take as many notes as possible etc. I can hardly find the time to make the notes when a big showdown happens or when I'm in a big pot with a certain player.

It'll all become easier when I move up the stakes, lol. From what I can see, it's nearly impossible to play 2 tables at the time at 5/10$. Not to mention that it's hard to find a 20%+ flop/players table.
How often do you change tables? Quote
12-07-2008 , 01:07 PM
I try to stay on a table until something happens that makes the table no longer good. If 2-3 people leave and their spots are filled with shorties I tend to start looking for a new table, especially if I don't have position on someone who I think will donate a full/near-full stack.

My criteria for a good table isn't really based solely on VPIP. It's who will end up donating 1 or more stacks with the least amount of difficult decisions.
How often do you change tables? Quote
12-07-2008 , 08:18 PM
The weirdest thing happened; I played on the tightest table ever for just over half an hour. I earned 1.5 buyin (38$ playing 25 NL). It just looks like those nits won't part from those rarely played hands. I got really payed off in a big way. It looks like LAGs can really smell the danger better and fold almost every time you have a monster. and I still loose to them big time from time to time. Either I don't give them enough credit for a good hand or they just play so illogically that you say to yourself; nah he couldn't possibly call 3/4 pot bet with bottom pair on a flush draw board when the board pairs on the turn. And he held exactly that 4 and I lost half a buyin.
How often do you change tables? Quote
