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How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical)

02-03-2009 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by insyder19
That's why in HU you only raise 50% of the buttons ehh?

Obviously position is important, which allows you to play more hands even if you know you're behind their range. But to think it's enough of an advantage to play 95% of hands 3 handed is crazy. And to think you can play the same % of hands profitably against good blinds vs a fish in the blinds is also crazy.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by m_reed05

Obviously position is important, which allows you to play more hands even if you know you're behind their range. But to think it's enough of an advantage to play 95% of hands 3 handed is crazy. And to think you can play the same % of hands profitably against good blinds vs a fish in the blinds is also crazy.
Do you realize that even at highstakes games HU at least 80% of the buttons are being raised?

And I mean both players are 4903284093280x better as anyone you have played so far.

Yet they still play it profitable.

And hint, I am not talking about raising 58o and making money even on the button.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by danny31415
You should open less 3 handed than HU. The best hand of the two randoms will be much stronger than one random, and raising costs you less HU to win the same amount (1.5BB).
You're not forced to open for pot 3-handed.

You actually get a better price on your steal if you size your raise properly, so I'd play as many hands 3 handed as I would HU against one of those opponents.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 10:47 AM
^ Yeah that's what I was thinking. And SB is not going to attack you with too high a frequency if BB is good enough to adjust.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by punter11235
Question :
Assume that there are 3 very good players in a game. Nobody has edge on anybody. They play 3handed, blinds are 5$/10$, stacks are 1000$.
How much should button make ? What about 500$ stacks ?

Maybe it's too theoretical but I think we can have some good guesses based on practical stats. My view :
-if button makes more than 0.3ptbb/hand blinds are ******ed
-if button makes more than 0.2ptbb/hand blinds are probably mildly ******ed
-0.1 - 0.15 seems like good ballpark for button winrate but even this is probably too high if blind have a clue (and button is only open raising, never limping)

I have some very strong arguments for my estimations but I am interested to see if you are interested in that kind of discussion.
I have no idea why people hate on your scientific approach. This is an interesting question.

if you don't can't offer any meaningful insight, please dont clutter the thread with your predictable "I open 90% on the button... beat high stakes... I'm a feel player... lol at your analytical approach" etc replies which may or may not be true. BUT THEY ARE IRRELEVANT TO PUNTER'S QUESTION.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by runway model
I have no idea why people hate on your scientific approach. This is an interesting question.

if you don't can't offer any meaningful insight, please dont clutter the thread with your predictable "I open 90% on the button... beat high stakes... I'm a feel player... lol at your analytical approach" etc replies which may or may not be true. BUT THEY ARE IRRELEVANT TO PUNTER'S QUESTION.
[x]if you don't can't offer any meaningful insight, please dont clutter the thread

How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by eX3cution
You're not forced to open for pot 3-handed.

You actually get a better price on your steal if you size your raise properly, so I'd play as many hands 3 handed as I would HU against one of those opponents.
I didn't mention opening for pot anywhere. If you want to open minraise or 2.5 raise, you can do that HU or 3-handed just the same. Whatever your raise size, you get a better price HU because you already have a sb posted.

Originally Posted by punter11235
I have some very strong arguments for my estimations but I am interested to see if you are interested in that kind of discussion.

Punter, I am interested in your arguments.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 12:50 PM
In theory, say the blinds were better than the btn to the point where the positional advantage was completely negated, and in this scenario the sb would win 1/3 of the pots, the bb would win 1/3 of the pots and the btn would win 1/3 of the pots... in if this were the case the btn would be worth $5/hand b/c there's $15 that are being put into the pot each hand and the btn is winning 1/3 of the pots while never having to post the blinds, so that's .25ptbb/100 (not including rake).

Would the btn not be making .25ptbb/100 plus however much his positional advantage is? You seem to have this much more clearly thought out than I do but I think it's pretty interesting so I thought I'd give it a shot...
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by insyder19
Do you realize that even at highstakes games HU at least 80% of the buttons are being raised?

And I mean both players are 4903284093280x better as anyone you have played so far.

Yet they still play it profitable.

And hint, I am not talking about raising 58o and making money even on the button.

I've never really looked to see exactly what percentage I open on the btn, I don't play that much hu anyway, but perhaps you should open up pokerstove and see what 80% of the hands really represents. 80% does include 85o. 95% which was the original number you threw out includes everything except 82o 72o 62o 52o 42o and 32o.

And for the record I play hsnl, and at one point or another I've played against just about every hsnl and nosebleed regular (not hu tho), so I'm not sure who these ppl who are 4903284093280x better than anyone I've ever faced.

And back to op, I'm not sure that trying to quanitify the btn's advantage is all that realistic or helpful, as games/players/dynamics change so much from one situation to another.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 06:44 PM
The point is that 58o and stuff doesn't make any money but because you open hands like 58o your big hands make way more money than if you wouldn't because you range is wider and villain has to call you down lighter.

You know how easy it is to play against players who open 50% of their buttons compared to players who open 100% of their buttons because you cannot put them on a certain range?
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 06:51 PM
There hasn't been a standardized discovery of some optimal strategy for this situation, so your speculation is based on the assumption of some equilibrium point established between the SB BB and button to make the game EV-neutral. If we move the equilibrium point then the winrate of the button will change. At this point, I don't think anyone knows the answer and if they do they sure aren't sharing.

As to your empirical approach, it seems hard to quantify because the strategies and ability of the blinds are never constant in midstakes games.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 07:22 PM
There hasn't been a standardized discovery of some optimal strategy for this situation, so your speculation is based on the assumption of some equilibrium point established between the SB BB and button to make the game EV-neutral.
I can use other techniques to estiamte upper/lower bounds for button winrate in equilibrium strategy without estimating actual equilibrium. I will elaborate soon on that. I am just too sleepy right now.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by insyder19
The point is that 58o and stuff doesn't make any money but because you open hands like 58o your big hands make way more money than if you wouldn't because you range is wider and villain has to call you down lighter.

You know how easy it is to play against players who open 50% of their buttons compared to players who open 100% of their buttons because you cannot put them on a certain range?
I disagree with both of your paragraphs and agree with everything mreed has said so far.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by insyder19
The point is that 58o and stuff doesn't make any money but because you open hands like 58o your big hands make way more money than if you wouldn't because you range is wider and villain has to call you down lighter.

You know how easy it is to play against players who open 50% of their buttons compared to players who open 100% of their buttons because you cannot put them on a certain range?
I know all about widening and balancing your range, and I never said you should only be opening 50%. I simply said that if the blinds are competent, 95% is way too much. And also that you should be able to open more hands profitably on the btn vs a donk, than you can if the blinds are decent.

Fwiw in a small sample, I open ~70% from btn hu. I have no clue if this is standard. It wouldn't surprise me if it's a little on the tight side. Most of that is from starting 6max tables vs mostly tough 5/10 and 10/20 regs. I think that number could vary quite a bit depending on who the other guy is/how good he is, what my image is like, dynamic, if he's playing back alot, if he's tilting, etc, etc.

The only way I could think of quantifying would be to simply filter your hands to 3 handed, and compare your own winrate on btn vs your winrates in blinds.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 08:02 PM
I agree with m_reed and Eddi. You're MY BOYS
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 08:19 PM
A little of topic, but this thread has rambled so.....

In Blackjack, the player has all the tactical advantages, can double down, split 8s, gets paid extra for blackjack and yet the only way player has a chance to beat the house is by counting cards. And then the advantage is small. The only advantage the dealer has is that he has the button every single hand. The button is a huge advantage.

Yeah yeah different game. Still.......

Post your proof sir.

How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 08:23 PM

I agree
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 08:34 PM
I have read your blog and also downloaded your program a couple of months ago, never made it work though. But i really liked your blogposts. I am eagerly anticipating the development of this thread. I really don't have too much to add though.

I've also thought about something similar as to what optimal stacksizes would be for the button here and where btn should have the biggest theoretical edge, im not really sure it's as deep as possible, but what do i know.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 08:42 PM
value of button isn't really when everyone is at 100bb, its when stacks fly around and you get to control how big or small a pot gets played when everyone is deeep
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-03-2009 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Zeestein
value of button isn't really when everyone is at 100bb, its when stacks fly around and you get to control how big or small a pot gets played when everyone is deeep
i certainly agree, but somewhere in betwen say dunno 40bb i think button should have a somewhat also good edge, compared to 100bb since 3betting from the blinds becomes less lucrative. I could certainly be thinking about this the wrong way though. But this really isnt the discussion, and hopefully punter will respond soon :-)
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-04-2009 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by insyder19
The point is that 58o and stuff doesn't make any money but because you open hands like 58o your big hands make way more money than if you wouldn't because you range is wider and villain has to call you down lighter.

You know how easy it is to play against players who open 50% of their buttons compared to players who open 100% of their buttons because you cannot put them on a certain range?
Hahahahaa what the **** are you on??????
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-04-2009 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by FoldEqu1ty
Hahahahaa what the **** are you on??????
Do you play HU at all?
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-04-2009 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by insyder19
Do you play HU at all?
Can you "define" a 50% range at all? "OMG 722 flop I can totally check raise this nit"???

Also why are you posting about HU in a thread specifically about 3-handed play?

Last edited by FoldEqu1ty; 02-04-2009 at 04:17 AM.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-04-2009 , 04:33 AM
I think I just explain stuff very bad when I post here because I think if I read it I would understand it but if someone else reads it he obviously doesn't because I cut out important aspects I know myself =(

What you do on flops like 722 depends way too much on the player and history and stuff that would take easily one page to write down here.

Am I wrong if I assume that 3handed play is really similar to HU?

What I basically mean is that you adjust way better to someone who opens 50% of his buttons in HU than someone who opens 100% of his buttons. We assume that both of them adjust to my 3bets the same way. If someone opens 100% of his buttons but always folds to 3bets or never 4bets it's a different story.

It's really difficult to play against a good player who opens 100% of his buttons and can be tricky and not spewy at all.

I am not sure if we can compare this discussion to overall player types. In 6max, is a good LAG more difficult to play than a NIT?
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
02-04-2009 , 05:03 AM
i have to agree with mreed here.
How much would Btn make in 3 handed game of good players (very theoretical) Quote
