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How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner?

04-28-2020 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by jeccross
Nice brag, but feels like you should offer OP some tips as well...
I do not post graphs normally, but somehow OP goaded my ego
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 10:18 AM
I'm actually impressed a bit ...

Reg tables are a LOT softer than zoom though ... Why bother arguing if we're not talking about the same thing?

Still think you can easily lose more than 15 BI's at 2NL reg tables as a beginner (which obviously does not apply to me)
But yeah, it might actually be pretty hard to lose 15 BI's there.
Easy in zoom though!

Nice graphs! Nice hourly volume as well for reg tables! Like 8 tables?
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 10:56 AM
6 tables
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 11:05 AM
How many zoom tables are you playing OP?
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by jeccross
How many zoom tables are you playing OP?
Just 2
I don't like having tables all over the screen
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Yeodan
Just 2
I don't like having tables all over the screen
I would drop down to 1 until you are sure you are winning, or at least sit out on one every time you are in a hand on the other. Then try to force yourself to properly think through the logic of each hand from the basics. Then when you've had a big hand, sit out and review it.

If you aren't really winning, the volume isn't making you more money. Play time that is better for learning will help you improve though.
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by jeccross
I would drop down to 1 until you are sure you are winning, or at least sit out on one every time you are in a hand on the other. Then try to force yourself to properly think through the logic of each hand from the basics.
I dont think its necessary to do a lot of thinking at NL2 - probably it's better to dont think too much and follow this rules:
1) Either raise first in or fold
2) Only call with pairs from 22-99 preflop - all other hands fold or raise
3) Bet your good hands (TP+) strong postflop
4) Go for 3 streets of value with everything TPTK+ as long as board is not too dangerous (e.g. 4 to a flush, 4 to a straight)
5) 2 barrel very drawheavy boards big on flop and turn with your value hands and check river against agg opponents if draw does not hit on river if you are out of position) - e.g. you raise pre with AJ and board is Js6c7c2h2s -> bet pot on flop and turn any check vs agg players -> they will bluff there busted draws a lot of time
6) Fold to EVERY turn and river raise as long as you dont have close to the nuts (fold TPTK and overpairs to a raise on turn and river without even thinking if you could call (you will be right in 9 of 10 cases)
7) If you are unsure if to call or fold -> just fold
8) Nearly never bluff (exceptions are 4flush or 4straight boards vs nits/regs)

If you just follows this points (without thinking about ranges, balance,...) I promise you will win more than 5bb/100 over 100k hands at nl2
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by wacker1913
I dont think its necessary to do a lot of thinking at NL2 - probably it's better to dont think too much and follow this rules:
He wants to get good and move up though - he needs to learn how to think through a hand. That said, those look like good suggestions to then build on more complexity as he moves up.
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 12:01 PM
And to come back to your question:
30-40 buyins are more than enough at NL2 -> with a solid strategy it is nearly impossible to go bust at NL2
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by jeccross
He wants to get good and move up though - he needs to learn how to think through a hand. That said, those look like good suggestions to then build on more complexity as he moves up.
Thanks - IMO its more important first to have an ABC knowledge of poker to beat the lowest limits. Deeper thinking starts at NL25/50 I think and even there you will still win small with a tight/agg style (betsizing becomes a important point there IMO)
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 02:57 PM
haha nice prop bet and results winning almost every day, wow. What site do you play on BTW?
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 06:40 PM
Will not tell the site nor my screenname :-)
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 06:54 PM
Considering how many players I respect posting in this thread I think there's been some pretty dodgy advice.

Yeodan, I think the only metric that's important is motivation.

Are you motivated to play poker because it is, after all, a game and quite fun? Are you quite happy to amble up the stakes in your own time, preferring a strategy of extracting the most pleasure out of thinking about random spots, and being more experimental with the game over intense study/volume?

Then amble on little monkey. None of these false expectations we put on ourselves are worth a jot if you're not actually enjoying thinking about poker strategy. And if we focus too much on 'I should be X by now' it just creates another mirage lost in a sea of variance. Leave seriously thinking about those stats for when or if you ever get to a professional level.

Play as long as you want at whatever stake you want for whatever bankroll your tilt can handle. Everyone will be different. There is no 'YOU HAVE FAILED AT POKER' landmark. It is a phantom in the mind. No-one is failing playing at 2NLz for a while either. It took me ****ing ages. We'll all develop at different rates and that's OKAY.
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-28-2020 , 09:36 PM
How much could an average person breakeven at NL50z before killing himself?
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
04-29-2020 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by Ceres
Considering how many players I respect posting in this thread I think there's been some pretty dodgy advice.

Yeodan, I think the only metric that's important is motivation.

Are you motivated to play poker because it is, after all, a game and quite fun? Are you quite happy to amble up the stakes in your own time, preferring a strategy of extracting the most pleasure out of thinking about random spots, and being more experimental with the game over intense study/volume?

Then amble on little monkey. None of these false expectations we put on ourselves are worth a jot if you're not actually enjoying thinking about poker strategy. And if we focus too much on 'I should be X by now' it just creates another mirage lost in a sea of variance. Leave seriously thinking about those stats for when or if you ever get to a professional level.

Play as long as you want at whatever stake you want for whatever bankroll your tilt can handle. Everyone will be different. There is no 'YOU HAVE FAILED AT POKER' landmark. It is a phantom in the mind. No-one is failing playing at 2NLz for a while either. It took me ****ing ages. We'll all develop at different rates and that's OKAY.
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
05-12-2020 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by Iblis
How much could an average person breakeven at NL50z before killing himself?
Is this how you handle the last potential survivor?
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
05-12-2020 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by Iblis
How much could an average person breakeven at NL50z before killing himself?
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
05-12-2020 , 10:40 AM
That looks so painful ...
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
05-12-2020 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Tuma
is the redline and greenline colour swapped ?
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
05-12-2020 , 11:03 AM
good old red and blue line shooting straight up while green being break even, just a classic
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
05-12-2020 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Tuma
When you program the perfect bot but karma hits hard.
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
05-12-2020 , 01:05 PM
non showdown winning line is missing?
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
05-12-2020 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by wacker1913
non showdown winning line is missing?
Come on man it's clearly fake.
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
05-12-2020 , 03:28 PM
'bout 350 buyins
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
05-12-2020 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Iblis
Come on man it's clearly fake.
it's real, and it was glorious...
How much could an average person lose at 2NL Zoom before turning into a winner? Quote
