Well this is ridicilous. I played very well for few days in micro stakes and goe from 30 up to 60. And then it started...
bad beat after bad beat. I really tried to play tight and dont bluff and what happened? In 3 days i lost $150 and 90% of loses was because of card on the river with guy who called me with NOTHING or almost nothing
just two examples:
my raise preflop, and raise after flop - he reraise i allin he check
that was quite risky but player was quite agressive and after hes raise preflop i check and go for allin after flop
third situation is ridicilous: i go for allin with AA (3 guys call bb and one reraise) about $10 on table) and I was checked by 4 8(not evet suited!) and what happened? he get straght...
I won only one pot with the river card (i had KQ and guy checked me with something worse but he get straight and on the river I get higher straigth)
currently I have 0 on my FTP account and I took 2 weeks break (freeze out)
Im gonna read few books but I really feel I'm playing my hands good but loosing like 90% with river card just crushed me
I even lost 2x AA vs ABSOLUTELTY NOTHING (two pairs (4 and 8) ond flush to one opponent card)
I know it happens, but In last few days it was like every big hand...
how do you deal with that? I'm not on tilt after bad beat i still try to play tight with good hands but I keep losing with river cards like on screenshots