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How do you deal with Variance How do you deal with Variance

10-31-2010 , 09:20 AM
I'm usually right. Just give up.
How do you deal with Variance Quote
10-31-2010 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by Insta-4Bet
^ Increased volume means decreased learning. I've found that every person will learn more 2-tabling 6-max than they will 1-tabling 3-tabling or 24-tabling. Mass-multitabling noobs aren't learning anything except how to robotically click buttons quickly.
How do you deal with Variance Quote
10-31-2010 , 09:46 AM
mass multitabling noobs hurting their learning curves itt
How do you deal with Variance Quote
10-31-2010 , 10:31 AM
yea i guess i should listen to a meth junkie
How do you deal with Variance Quote
10-31-2010 , 12:59 PM
7BI for me is a lot I play 4 tables and maybe get in 10k hands a month on top of just taking a shot at a higher limit. However looking at my Hud I know I am making +ev plays just sucks taking a shot having to drop down and then continuing to get owned by variance.

With that being said by no means am I tilting If I start to feel frustrated angry that is when the playing stops. I was just curious to see how others deal with it. On a side note last night after taking a break I went back up a BI.
How do you deal with Variance Quote
10-31-2010 , 01:21 PM
I just go up some limits win that i was loosing. When i played NL5 and dropt few BI i get to PLO50 win something and drop down again, its good BR booster, you should try this some time, it helps.
How do you deal with Variance Quote
10-31-2010 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Huffdowg
7BI for me is a lot I play 4 tables and maybe get in 10k hands a month on top of just taking a shot at a higher limit. However looking at my Hud I know I am making +ev plays just sucks taking a shot having to drop down and then continuing to get owned by variance.

With that being said by no means am I tilting If I start to feel frustrated angry that is when the playing stops. I was just curious to see how others deal with it. On a side note last night after taking a break I went back up a BI.
You made great points here:

1) The plays you are making are + EV
2) Playing stops if feeling frustrated or angry

You follow these 2 points to the T and you are going to do very well.

Yes variance sucks for sure, but its part of the game. Your 7 BI drop isnt bad at all, but of course it always comes at the worst time which in your case is just after moving up.

Good job getting back that 1 BI....the others will follow, just give it time and stay focused at the task at hand, you will be back on the upswing soon enough.

+1 with those people who posted about extended break even runs....playing 100K hands and only being up a few BIs is not fun at all. Just make sure you are being honest with your game and the plays that you make, and ride it out because it will turn around. Its just that we never know when it will start to turn the corner, and THAT is the part that sucks.
How do you deal with Variance Quote
10-31-2010 , 01:32 PM
well considering how the games are, or are becoming these days, 7BI's is really how lots of (winning) players start their sessions quite often

if you play 10k hands per month it seems hard to deal with but it is what it is - you can't really expect you "true winrate" to show within 10k hands.

sounds funny but you actually would need to be quite lucky to match your true winrate in a sample of 10k hands.
How do you deal with Variance Quote
10-31-2010 , 01:56 PM
Im in the fap fap fap camp. I quit pot 6 months ago, so...

Or sex with the misses. Only problem is that you shouldn't be too tilted because you might hurt her... (or you could discover some of her darker sides, weee)

In all seriousness, watch/listen eightfold path of poker enlightenment or read the poker mindset, shrug it of, laugh about it and keep playing.... And dont auto write everything of as a cooler and post hands here to make sure it was a cooler, sometimes it wasnt and your intuition was right and your ratio/people on 2+2 where wrong...

If you have a 7BI swong its very likely 2 of those where unnecessary so its much better to learn how to deal with it. And play better.

Last edited by (.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.); 10-31-2010 at 02:05 PM.
How do you deal with Variance Quote
10-31-2010 , 03:15 PM
A) Expect your aces to get cracked

B) When you lose tell yourself its standard and when you win tell yourself its standard so you wont go on tilt by overplaying hands to win those BI's back.
How do you deal with Variance Quote
10-31-2010 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Onasaz
I just go up some limits win that i was loosing. When i played NL5 and dropt few BI i get to PLO50 win something and drop down again, its good BR booster, you should try this some time, it helps.
solid post
How do you deal with Variance Quote
