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how do i read poker tracker stats? how do i read poker tracker stats?

01-04-2008 , 12:25 AM
like i know its hands percentage/preflop raise/aggression, but how can i use those stats to tell me what range they have and such.
how do i read poker tracker stats? Quote
01-04-2008 , 01:09 AM
You can't, really... Knowing someone raises x percentage of hands doesn't tell you anything about what RANGE of hands they're raising.

But in most cases, however, people will lean toward raising the better part of their range. You can see what ranges those are pretty nicely in PokerStove.

For example, here's what the top 10% of hands looks like:

how do i read poker tracker stats? Quote
01-04-2008 , 01:33 AM
the stats are used to get a feel for how the villain plays preflop. it helps distinguish between LAGs, TAGs, nits, maniacs, etc. it wont help you much post flop but you can use it get an idea of what their playing style is like and move on from there.
how do i read poker tracker stats? Quote
