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How common is slowplaying (river) in microstakes NL in your experience? How common is slowplaying (river) in microstakes NL in your experience?

09-11-2010 , 06:18 PM

I used to play alot of limit before, and am now trying to make the transition to no limit. I play at €10 / 0.05/0.10 tables.

I play mainly for fun, however I am ambitious and want to make a profit, obviously not enough to live off, but enough to feel good about myself. I am sure alot of you understand what I mean

Anyway. I have bad memories from people slowplaying me. Maybe these are selective memories, or maybe they are valid.
When I have top pair with a good kicker, people seem to just call me. And when the river hits, and there is a straight/flush that could be in the villains hands. and the villain checks... I get terrified he has hit his hand, and I check too.

So in your experience, how often do people slowplay at these stakes and check-raise you on the river?

An while I'm at it:

I have searched these forums, and google, trying to find out which books to read when I wanna play small/micro stakes NL hold em.
In these forums Theory of poker seems like a must-read. But I'd also like to read up on more specific NL small stakes cash games (I seldom do tournaments).

So except from Theory of Poker, what else would you recommend for me?

I have read: Small stakes hold em, your worst poker enemy, hold em poker for advanced players, killer poker by the numbers.

If you recommend a book, please type out the full name. One reason I "have" to ask which books you recommend is that when I searched; alot of the people here used abbreviations which really confuses me!

Thanks alot in advance!
09-11-2010 , 06:21 PM
no limit texas hold 'em theory and practice
ryan fee's 6max
09-11-2010 , 06:28 PM
Cheers for the advice!

I mainly play on 10player tables though, 6 player tables scare me as well, but I don't know, maybe 6 player is "easier" if you know what you do?
09-11-2010 , 06:38 PM
Ryan fee's 6max v.good and free!

Other question is to generic but general rule is bet until they give you reason not to. You need to learn to b/f though, cost me enough to find that one out.
Bluff raising the river is not common at this level where I play (though I'm on a soft euro site).
09-11-2010 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Damned
Cheers for the advice!

I mainly play on 10player tables though, 6 player tables scare me as well, but I don't know, maybe 6 player is "easier" if you know what you do?
Do they make tables with more than 6!!
09-11-2010 , 07:05 PM
you posted in short handed section so assumed you wanted to play it. but really it comes down to your personal preference
09-11-2010 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by J9Suited
Do they make tables with more than 6!!
Haha, I did not know 10player was that rare?? Granted though the 6 player tables are alot more frequent at the site where I play.

EDIT: I see now that there is a full ring section. Sorry for the mispost. I am still very happy for any replies however!

Last edited by Damned; 09-11-2010 at 07:21 PM.
09-12-2010 , 02:55 AM
please read the new user's guide and the stickied strat threads.

post low content questions in the brew.
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