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02-24-2011 , 02:55 PM
I'm a HUGE bankroll nit and I can't believe you never moved up! Awesome graph.
Unless you cashed out, you're probably overrolled even for NL50!
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02-24-2011 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Chazley
It is incredibly rare to be able to make $15/hr at 25NL.
Only because everyone who does moves upppppp
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02-24-2011 , 03:00 PM
NJD you for sure are gr8 at multi tabling and playing your game cause ive always seen you at my tables yet never seen you do anything out of the ordinary but play the regular tag game, so you probably just make more solid decisions while mass tabling which is like really hard to do... and yea why haven't you moved up??.. the 50nl tables have gotten a new influx of fish since the 50bb changes so maybe its time
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02-24-2011 , 03:07 PM
Bankroll isn't really an issue for me tbh, I built up a $20k bankroll from sngs, a lot of which I haven't even spent, and am only really playing 25nl to learn the game solidly before I move up. But yeah I am a huge nit when it comes to swings / variance etc. and that's why I gave up sngs to move to cash. I just have no desire to move up too rapidly and burn through a lot of the profits I made from sngs over the last 3 years before I am properly educated in cash games.

Exo - what's your SN, I don't know who you are - PM me it if you want? Or not if you want to remain private.
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02-24-2011 , 03:14 PM
My last 100k hands at 25nl i've made $17.80/hr including FPP value and i usually play about 16 tables. Its not very difficult to make $15/hr at 25nl if you've got a decent amount of experience under your belt, but like pokerarb said, most people who can earn 15-20 bucks an hour there have moved up.
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02-24-2011 , 05:30 PM
I make 20/hr at 25NL full ring plus rakeback
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