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Here are my leaks, help me avoid them. Some default play help needed in ZOOM POKER Here are my leaks, help me avoid them. Some default play help needed in ZOOM POKER

04-18-2014 , 06:18 AM
Hello everybody! Best wishes from Lithuania

I am new to this forum and i hope that i am posting my thread in correct forum.

I am running quite good at 6max nl2 zoom now. But in some situations i mix up my game very much because i dont have any default play stategy for some hands.

It would be great to get direct answers or you can post me some information in text from other topics. Btw i tried to search for information but didint find anything because questions are too specific i think.

So ok, here are my problems:

1)I often get confused playing AJ and AQ when facing raises. If i am facing a raise from EP/MP, i fold almost everytime. If raise comes from CO i reraise from BU. Is it correct? i would like to stick to some default play for such hands, because nl2 is not the right place to improvise.

2)My second problem is related to the first one. How should i play in blinds? If steal comes from CO/BU i reraise with AJ/AQ (keep in mind that playing other hands is really clear for me) If SB steals i add AT and KQ and reraise with them. Well this problem is not very specific, i need to learn everything about blind defence. Should i defend my blinds with wider range of hands? I also find it really difficult for me to play from SB when facing a raise.

3) I recently learned to cbet quite good and now i am pretty confident knowing when to cbet and when the board is good. But i fold to cbets way too much. Its 75% according to HEM2 So if my opp has my stats he may think he can fire with almost any two hands.

Since i know how to cbet quite good, i have tried in many ways to rethink every move my opponent makes and why and how is he cbetting to certain flop, but i failed and as i said before, i dont want to improvise and find the correct way to improve this skill, because i dont know where to start.

I think that's all. First two problems are not so bad, i am not loosing very much because of them, but i want to correct them and be sure of my actions.

Third problem needs a lot of work and reading so i will be glad to hear from you or to see any information regarding my high fold to cbet rate.

Here are my leaks, help me avoid them. Some default play help needed in ZOOM POKER Quote
04-18-2014 , 06:49 AM
Why would people want to help you improve and fix your leaks? There are guys who post regularly in this forum who are winners over large samples at micro Zoom. It would make no sense for them to help you improve and add another good reg into their games because it takes away from their profit.
Here are my leaks, help me avoid them. Some default play help needed in ZOOM POKER Quote
04-18-2014 , 06:59 AM
well i am expecting some links to information regarding specific plays, where are plenty of great videos and books, but i dont have to read 10 books when i can read one, or even several pages regarding my questions.

i am not expecting direct answers, just simple help in finding the information.

btw... you took away my faith in **** sapiens sapiens ;//
Here are my leaks, help me avoid them. Some default play help needed in ZOOM POKER Quote
04-18-2014 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by smokybacon
Why would people want to help you improve and fix your leaks? There are guys who post regularly in this forum who are winners over large samples at micro Zoom. It would make no sense for them to help you improve and add another good reg into their games because it takes away from their profit.

Aren't we all doing that in this forum?

I might respond later OP.
Here are my leaks, help me avoid them. Some default play help needed in ZOOM POKER Quote
04-18-2014 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by smokybacon
Why would people want to help you improve and fix your leaks? There are guys who post regularly in this forum who are winners over large samples at micro Zoom. It would make no sense for them to help you improve and add another good reg into their games because it takes away from their profit.
Then they won't mind a bad reg like me giving bad advice then...

Do u not think that by thinking through hands and giving advice that can then be argued with and corrected improves the game of all involved?

Anyway, regards point 1: we need to firstly check whether the opponent is positionally aware. If their stats are like 50\5 I'm guessing probably not. However, with a pfr of 5 percent I wouldn't be too happy about playing AJ against them when they open but we shouldn't assume their UTG range is any different from the btn.
Stats of 22\19 over 300 hands: with this sample, see what the pfr is by position, if they are weighted more around CO\btn then their EP range is going to be pretty strong but loose from LP.
In general I will 3bet AJ\AQ for value vs a loose player who calls too many 3bets. Facing a CO open from a regular, I will frequently flat these because we dominate their weaker jacks and queens. Then obv we need to be aware of how they play postflop which should also inform the preflop decision.
Here are my leaks, help me avoid them. Some default play help needed in ZOOM POKER Quote
04-18-2014 , 07:30 AM
1) Depends on villain but in general AJs and AQ are never folds in position against a single raise. AJo can be against a tight early position open. I wouldn't 3bet either as a standard though some 3bet AQ a lot (I tend to think that's because they're not thinking too much about ranges and just doing what somebody's told them is standard). Out of position it's more difficult but I'd still basically never be folding AQ to a single raise.
2) Read some strategy and possibly watch some videos on blind defence, it's a big topic. You're probably fine playing reasonably tight (don't fold AJ to a BTN open though) until you get a little better.
3) I'm not sure you know how to cbet well - lots of people think they do and they're cbetting 75% or something. As for folding to cbets, you can assume that most regulars have bluffs in their cbetting range and peel pretty wide IP, and almost certainly a little wider than you are doing OOP.

Also, if you're looking for help on 2NL Zoom, I produced some free coaching videos:
Here are my leaks, help me avoid them. Some default play help needed in ZOOM POKER Quote
04-18-2014 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by kankius
1)I often get confused playing AJ and AQ when facing raises. If i am facing a raise from EP/MP, i fold almost everytime. If raise comes from CO i reraise from BU. Is it correct? i would like to stick to some default play for such hands, because nl2 is not the right place to improvise.
I would peel most of the time irrespective of where the raise comes from. Don't worry too much about being dominated, as long as you're not going to be paying off big turn/river bets when you flop top pair, it's going to be fine. You're going to have decent equity against a standard UTG range and with the advantage of position, I think it's a mistake to be folding these hands for a single raise.

Against a CO open, I would 3bet against bad players who I would expect to call too often with weaker/dominated hands but I wouldn't 3bet it against better players who I would expect to be playing a 4bet or fold strategy (not sure how many have that mentality at 2nl but nevertheless, it's good for you to start thinking that way and about what you want to achieve with your 3bets in general).

Originally Posted by kankius
2)My second problem is related to the first one. How should i play in blinds? If steal comes from CO/BU i reraise with AJ/AQ (keep in mind that playing other hands is really clear for me) If SB steals i add AT and KQ and reraise with them. Well this problem is not very specific, i need to learn everything about blind defence. Should i defend my blinds with wider range of hands? I also find it really difficult for me to play from SB when facing a raise.
I wouldn't worry too much about defending blinds. Regardless of what others might say/think, it's not such a big deal and more often than not, many regs probably lose more by spewing from the blinds as they might if they just played tight from the blinds.

If you don't think you can overcome the disadvantage of being out of position post flop with your hand, then just fold it. People don't fold to resteals too often and the hands they are folding, you're probably crushing, so you might not be getting what you think you are by 3betting hands that crush a BTN open range but don't do as well in bloated pots when you have to act first on every street.

Originally Posted by kankius
3) I recently learned to cbet quite good and now i am pretty confident knowing when to cbet and when the board is good. But i fold to cbets way too much. Its 75% according to HEM2 So if my opp has my stats he may think he can fire with almost any two hands.
I wouldn't worry about being exploited. People probably don't want to hear it much but even up to $100nl, most people aren't very good post flop. You're not going to find too many regs barreling air, especially at 2nl. I see so many regs that cbet flops with top pair hands and then go on check/call lines. A lot of players are incapable of betting 3 streets out of position when they feel they have showdown value, so most turn/riverbets are going to be polarized and heavily unbalanced to value hands, so just fold unless the bets are small enough where calling down wouldn't be a huge mistake.

Originally Posted by kankius
Since i know how to cbet quite good, i have tried in many ways to rethink every move my opponent makes and why and how is he cbetting to certain flop, but i failed and as i said before, i dont want to improvise and find the correct way to improve this skill, because i dont know where to start.
In a video years ago, Baluga Whale gave out his 3 mantra's for winning at poker. They were:

Get value
Don't pay off
Don't bluff

They stand as true now as they did back then. ABC always has been and always will be the best strategy to beat micro stakes. Fancy plays and theories come and go. These are usually filtered down from high stakes games and IMO rarely apply at micro stakes.

Just play tight/solid poker and you'll blast through the micro's.
Here are my leaks, help me avoid them. Some default play help needed in ZOOM POKER Quote
04-18-2014 , 07:47 AM
wow... i didint expect anybody to waste time on these questions... thans everybody a lot, you gave me some key points and ideas to think about on my issues. thank you vey much!
Here are my leaks, help me avoid them. Some default play help needed in ZOOM POKER Quote
