Originally Posted by aarono2690
Secondly against these players do you find it best to just slow down, value bet your hands lightly or do you take it to another whole level and just aggro the **** out of them. I did some 4-bet shoving against him but then he'd snap call me with A-5 and pwn my KJo. Small sample size I know but in many spots his style made me feel like I was getting outplayed and I probably was as these were my first games in a month.
going back to studying my husng vids in a bit.
I think you are looking at this in a very dangerous way.
You need to start thinking about his goals and his gameplan then that will give you and idea on his ranges. Once you know that, choosing the correct line becomes easier. The way you describe it is difficult for me to truly get a good picture, but it sounds like he isn't scared to get it in light, and if you are card dead it might be a good idea to slow things down and see if he continues.
He's probably not the greatest, so my first strategy would be to just wait for something decent and jam the crap out of it.