Having a 3 betting range in UTG +1 against UTG opens vs. Having no 3 betting range vs UTG opens
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 5,411
Which strategy is better in micro-small stakes 6 max cash games? I've seen a lot of arguments lately in favor of having a no 3 betting range vs UTG opens period. I've seen people on the other side of the spectrum saying we should be exclusively 3 betting or folding pre flop period from any position vs any position open unless we're in BB.
The strategy I currently utilise in this situation is as follows:
3 bet: AA-QQ, AKs, AKo, and A5s-A2s
Flat: All suited Broadways, 88-JJ, and AQo.
What do you think of my range? In what ways should it be adjusted?
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 3,036
I've been using a strat with no IP flatting range from any position. So far I like it but the sample size is too small to be meaningful. I like it because the environment doesn't 4bet bluff enough to punish me.
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 13,256
I think MP is the one position (other than SB) where a '3-bet or fold' strat makes the most sense. I still have a flatting range though. I like flatting JJ-99 and AQs, and sometimes AQo, KQs or KJs depending on the opener. I don't think it's good to call with many other hands, as they can't withstand squeezes (like JJ/TT/AQs can) and often get into trouble multiway by making the second nuts or whatever.