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Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker?

03-11-2020 , 07:21 PM
i play there exclusively . you guys realize some of the biggest unions are triad run right? there are absolutely no ethics w these guys its business. im not saying they control the RNG but if you had a few pedophile investors running a day care would you send ur kids there?

ofc there are bots/stables/horses/collusion. the good news is a lot of them straight up suck and at least some.of the clubs r soft enough to compensate. ive heard from TWO union heads that the "rng" is on action mode. ya i get wtf does some gangster know about stats but it probably goes up to the top of the ap.again pedos running a daycare here.

the RNG is susp a.f the MANAGEMENT is shady a.f and the ap is from the same orwellian country that gave us huawei, and countless other spying scandals. i doubt theyd be above jipping a few round eyes with their RNG

Last edited by LordPallidan12; 03-11-2020 at 07:28 PM.
Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Quote
03-11-2020 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by myfriendsanit
ITT: people who have never played PPP claiming RNG whingers are fish.

Please play the app for any significant time and comment...
I made mid-5 figures on ppp, fish. ppp is no longer where the action is though
Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Quote
03-11-2020 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I made mid-5 figures on ppp, fish. ppp is no longer where the action is though
where's it at? take me to work with u daddy
Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Quote
03-21-2020 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I made mid-5 figures on ppp, fish. ppp is no longer where the action is though
Soft as butter comparatively. Most of the people complaining are probably regs that want it to stay that way given the average 2+2 user is probably a lot better than the average player on there.
Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Quote
09-26-2020 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by LordPallidan12
wow, ive put in over 200k hands here and my friend is a HU player there with probably even a larger sample size and like 10mil hands between us lifetime..
we go back and forth about THIS ap a lot. it seems there are a *FUKTON* of setups, and the amount of ridiculous suckouts really do blow my mind.
the problem is that its so hard to verify, mathematically a lot of things are possible.

SPeaking as someone who has put in more volume than almost anyone in my PPP clubs, i can tell you im pretty suspicious. The only thing that keeps me unsure is that im actually winning.. if it was THAT rigged id be losing.. right?

another thing i noticed, and other people have noticed too, is that new accounts seem to sunrun. Like to the point where if im in a hand with a new ACC, i actually change my game based upon that, ridiculous, i know.
I have seen new accs crash and burn, tho.
Originally Posted by .isolated
This is more proof for my take that the same person isn't sitting together at full tables than your claim that they are. Why aren't they at the same table? Because a ton are the same person. Not all of them and lots of players are bumhunters that start tables (me being one of them!).

Anyways, that's my last reply on this joke of a subject. gl
I hate to bring up an old subject, but after coming here and reading this, I have to correct you and tell you that you're wrong. The guy is correct that it's the same person with multiple accounts. Did you know that you can play on a pc and your phone with different accounts and sit at the same table? I guess not. I've witnessed this myself and that's when I stopped playing there. The hands I saw were ridiculous and the hole cards are not randomly dealt either as i saw the hands have so many identical cards and pairs, or each having 1 to a straight that both needed. It's crazy. I also noticed that no matter what cards you have, if someone buys in with a big amount, you're basically never beating them, as it's set up to give the big stack the advantage, your hand will never hold up. Pokerbros follows the same setup. I haven't been shown that multi account thing there, but you better believe it's being done cause you can play it on a pc as well. I even told pppoker about this and all I got back was that they monitor collusion... Play these apps at your own risk as i bet the guys that are talking about they're winning there on this site have noticed this anomalies and are taking advantage of them and are buying in big with max BB.
Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Quote
09-26-2020 , 11:13 AM
Hi fishy,
Did you know that you can play on a pc and your phone with different accounts and sit at the same table?
yes I did know that. Guess what, if you play on any site and mask your IP on one device, you can play at the same table with a pc and phone. I have two PCs. I could even use both PCs and not even a phone!!!! WOW

I also noticed that no matter what cards you have, if someone buys in with a big amount, you're basically never beating them, as it's set up to give the big stack the advantage, your hand will never hold up.
Oh and it's rigged?!?!? Everything against you to make you lose and I feel bad for you.

Play these apps at your own risk
I have and I do and I've won a lot of money on them because I don't suck .

Last edited by .isolated; 09-26-2020 at 11:22 AM.
Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Quote
09-27-2020 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Hi fishy,

yes I did know that. Guess what, if you play on any site and mask your IP on one device, you can play at the same table with a pc and phone. I have two PCs. I could even use both PCs and not even a phone!!!! WOW

Oh and it's rigged?!?!? Everything against you to make you lose and I feel bad for you.

I have and I do and I've won a lot of money on them because I don't suck .
You don't have to mask your ip. Any phone and pc can play at the same table. I feel bad for you cause you believe that's its random, but yet you state that you know how to cheat so I bet you have won alot of money, but that's because you do suck that you use these flaws in the apps.
Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Quote
09-27-2020 , 02:20 PM
You don't have to mask your ip. Any phone and pc can play at the same table.
A quick google search says this which means you heard wrong and believed it because you're lazy which is no shock considering you lose at poker:
"There are ip restrictions preventing you from playing at the same table."
Sadly I forgot the password to all but 1 of my accounts so I can't screenshot for you . edit: actually I think they were deleted for no use of > year.
But it really doesn't matter. People who want to cheat will cheat and cheating happens on every single site.
Originally Posted by Ginyu6869
I feel bad for you cause you believe that's its random, but yet you state that you know how to cheat so I bet you have won alot of money, but that's because you do suck that you use these flaws in the apps.
Man, I've won every site I've ever played in the past 17 years. Party, Stars, Pacific, FTP, etc etc etc. PPP and Bros are no different because I put in real effort and don't complain about "omg rng" when I lose nor do I need to cheat to win. If there was a flaw in the app that let people win who bought in big (LOLOL), you'd use it. You just suck and that's ok. Most people suck at poker.

Last edited by .isolated; 09-27-2020 at 02:32 PM.
Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Quote
09-27-2020 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
A quick google search says this which means you heard wrong and believed it because you're lazy which is no shock considering you lose at poker:
"There are ip restrictions preventing you from playing at the same table."
Sadly I forgot the password to all but 1 of my accounts so I can't screenshot for you . edit: actually I think they were deleted for no use of > year.
But it really doesn't matter. People who want to cheat will cheat and cheating happens on every single site.
Man, I've won every site I've ever played in the past 17 years. Party, Stars, Pacific, FTP, etc etc etc. PPP and Bros are no different because I put in real effort and don't complain about "omg rng" when I lose nor do I need to cheat to win. If there was a flaw in the app that let people win who bought in big (LOLOL), you'd use it. You just suck and that's ok. Most people suck at poker.
It's very clear that you're an idiot. I'm clearly stating facts of what I know, and if you had any brains at all, you'll know that a phone using data and a pc using wifi would have different ip anyways, and on another note, the pc version doesn't use location...

On the being a winning player statement. I'm sure you have won a hand and we all have, but who runs away from free money? Pretty stupid don't you think.? So long till the point where they delete you...Cut the crap dude. You come on here trying to insult people, but you make yourself sound like an idiot. Its pretty obvious why you bounced around different sites for 17yrs. Lol. I can get you put in a club on pppoker right now and let you back up what you say. But we know that's not going to happen.
Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Quote
09-27-2020 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by DrBadBeat
There's no "action mode" in pokerrr2 club options haha. The club admin was probably just trying to sound as if there was more action to entice fish.
Are you sure there isn’t something crazy about poker2? It’s a big thing here and people are playing with thousands on the table real money and $7 rake. But the hands I see are ridiculous. I played for a week and I’m the first hour I had quads 3x and lost to quads once. That was just the first hour. I closed my account w a small loss. But the hands and run outs are crazy. I don’t trust it but I was told there would be no reason to cheat the game or create action.
Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Quote
09-27-2020 , 10:52 PM
It's very clear that you're an idiot. I'm clearly stating facts of what I know, and if you had any brains at all, you'll know that a phone using data and a pc using wifi would have different ip anyways
As I said, if someone wants to cheat, they will. I'm curious how that's diff from other sites around. Can they not use a phone and pc to cheat?

Originally Posted by Ginyu6869
You come on here trying to insult people
You're a rigtard and make excuses for losing. You deserve to be insulted. Get better and win. Or, you know, just "buy in big with max BB" and win because it'd be rigged for you.

Its pretty obvious why you bounced around different sites for 17yrs.
I'd love to hear your theory. I am interested.

I can get you put in a club on pppoker right now and let you back up what you say. But we know that's not going to happen.
First, there's not an ounce of my being that trusts you and second, I don't need to back up what I say with an lol hu match. If you're that interested my results for my past few months are in my recent post history and even a bunch of results from 07-2019 are farther back. I'm an open book, buddy, because I'm not a loser. I don't need your results because we both know you're a loser.

Last edited by .isolated; 09-27-2020 at 11:09 PM.
Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Quote
09-28-2020 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
As I said, if someone wants to cheat, they will. I'm curious how that's diff from other sites around. Can they not use a phone and pc to cheat?

You're a rigtard and make excuses for losing. You deserve to be insulted. Get better and win. Or, you know, just "buy in big with max BB" and win because it'd be rigged for you.

I'd love to hear your theory. I am interested.

First, there's not an ounce of my being that trusts you and second, I don't need to back up what I say with an lol hu match. If you're that interested my results for my past few months are in my recent post history and even a bunch of results from 07-2019 are farther back. I'm an open book, buddy, because I'm not a loser. I don't need your results because we both know you're a loser.
No sense in arguing with a turd thats on here for drama. I clearly posted ( FACTS ) in which you can not. Not one time did I say I was a losing player did I? You just keep saying you're a winning player but have no proof you won anything. Only a fool would leave a site they're crushing. You made a bias statement about the location detection and i proved you wrong on that. Like a little kid, you go on a rampage with unproven allegations. I'm done with the subject, as i just wanted to let others know about the colluding and cheating that's done on these apps as alot of people may be clueless and the only thing/proof you have shown everyone is that you're an idiot. Have a nice day
Has anyone noticed anything up with the RNG on PPPoker? Quote
