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Hand discussion: Multiway pot Hand discussion: Multiway pot

05-28-2021 , 01:55 AM
Villain 1 : CO 45/30 with 212 hands sample
Villain 2: BB 63/36 with 84 hands sample.

the number of bb shown on the link have to divide by 2, because its a madatory straddle + ante game.

We raised on btn with QJos and got a 4x 3bet by a 63/36 guy.
Then CO cold call 16x more the blind he put in initially.
Here i put CO on a PP or some suited hands given his high VPIP.

Flop goes check around.

Turn BB checked again. Here its quite obvious BB is holding some kind of AK or KQ hand.
Then CO lead out 1/3 pot.

After Playing with this player field for awhile, they tend to Bet BIG for value and make villain pays for draws like FD or TJ.
Furthermore, villain stack is less than 80% of pot, which he should bet big or jam the turn with his value hands like sets or 77.

Then given how CO called 16x more his initial investment preflop, and i called due to good pot odds.
I think its quite obvious the board hit my range more than anyone else.

Finally, after all these, i decided to raise and put CO all in because i think CO could be on some draws, and he did the 1/3 pot bet to steal the pot from me, because we both know BB has nothing.
Afterall, i think i might be good with a J or Q on river, and a T gives us the nut straight.

Wish to have more discussion about my thought process, and a 2nd opinion.

Thanks in advance.
Hand discussion: Multiway pot Quote
