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Good times Good times

10-31-2009 , 12:25 PM
Spent the last 2 and a half months grinding from 5nl to 50nl putting in serious poker time every day,had to withdraw all my roll last week to pay for my holiday at christmas,just deposited $50 onto stars and sat into 2nl game and suddenly i felt depressed.

Ive played no poker the last 5 days and dieing for my fix,but i honestly couldnt be bothered putting in all those hours/hands to get back to stakes i enjoy,im thinking if i save booze money every week for 2 months i could make a decent deposit and jump back into were i left instead of starting from bottom again,but 2 months-no poker?hmm

Or i was thinking i could stick it out double my tables from 15 to 30,putting in same hours daily and could hopefully get up alot quicker,thoughts on what you would do in this situation or some pointing in the right direction would be appreciated.
10-31-2009 , 12:41 PM
re-deposit and play 50nl again. 2nl is torture to play after you have played limits as high as 10nl+
10-31-2009 , 01:05 PM
30 tabling 2nl sounds good to me
10-31-2009 , 01:59 PM
serisouly just play like 30/28 and value bet TT on AJ2r for 2/3 streets, ez game
10-31-2009 , 04:27 PM
Since you went busto to pay for something and not busto from bad poker I would say just deposit enough to start at NL25 or NL50. I started at NL4 and thought that was bad. Can't imagine trying to grind NL2...Anyway, good luck!
10-31-2009 , 04:43 PM
SOoooooo maybe you should have thought of that b4 you cashed out your roll.

Grinding 2NL is just lol. Honestly how much money do you need to be rolled for 10NL? $200 is fine and hardly that much money. Plus 10nl is soft as **** you could prob just deposit $100 and play w/ just 10BI's if you weren't too worried about a higher risk of ruin.
10-31-2009 , 05:04 PM
you shouldnt be playing 2nl its just too hard after getting to 50nl. try saving and play like 25nl or something 2nl is just torture like cman24857 said
10-31-2009 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by martin9_90
serisouly just play like 30/28 and value bet TT on AJ2r for 2/3 streets, ez game
Sick avatar Martin. Deadmau5
10-31-2009 , 05:46 PM
Bad times - I'm locking your l/c thread.
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