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Good call? Good call?

03-17-2017 , 09:06 AM
CO: Hero(100BB)
BU: Bad agressive Shortstack (20BB)+
SB: Unknown 100BB
BB: unknown 100BB

Hero Opens QhQd 3BB
BU calls,BB calls
Pot 9,5BB

Flop Jc3h2c
Hero bets 7BB,
Bu calls, BB calls

Pot 30,5BB
Turn Kd
Hero bets 15BB, BU folds, BB shoves, Hero calls

Nothing much to say about preflop, flop or turnbet I think. I decided to call the shove because I thought that BB would raise a set multiway with a FD on board on the flop, and I dont think a Jack ever plays that way, the only hand that makes sence is KJ or a K with a FD, but other than there arent many valuehands, so expect to see BB shove draws mostly.

Your thoughts?
Good call? Quote
03-17-2017 , 09:12 AM
X turn. What are you trying to achieve with this bet?

AP fold to turn raise.
Good call? Quote
03-17-2017 , 09:32 AM
The K shouldn't really improve his range, I can valuebet against Jx, lower pairs, Draws, I have the best hand on the turn the majority of the time.
Good call? Quote
03-17-2017 , 09:42 AM
1) Lower pairs are not calling twice.
2) Not al Jx combos are calling twice and a portion of them have improved to two pair ott.
3) You are giving all decent draws 3 to 1 with the 1/2 PSB ott. You are making it very hard for the opposition to make a mistake here.
Good call? Quote
03-17-2017 , 10:07 AM
2. I think this is only a very small portion, and the Site and stakes im playing are very soft to I expect to get called by Jx a decent portion of the time, especially vs a half pot bet, And I have played w the player in the Button often and he is definetly capable to call with Jx and worse
3. Thats a good point, what about a bigger bet then? But a bigger bet makes it less likely for a J to call, I lowered the size to get calls from Jx but maybe its to small. I know you dont like a bet in the first place, but checking gives them en even better "price" then betting.
Good call? Quote
03-17-2017 , 11:16 AM
I think that 1/2 pot or bit more thin valuebet is still OK but then folding this hand to shove.
Esp in a soft pool there will be more sets and less bluffs in BB range.
Good call? Quote
