Originally Posted by Soulwaxical
Yeah I think he might actually be thinking we have an open ender here. In which case it is an easy call and I can see the confusion.
yeah, my bad, misspoke in my post. It is still a call.
23,243,220 games 0.178 secs 130,579,887 games/sec
Board: Qc 7d 6s
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 21.009% 20.70% 00.31% 4812092 71013.50 { Td8d }
Hand 1: 68.310% 68.05% 00.26% 15817824 59642.50 { 77-66, 76s, AQo, KQo }
Hand 2: 10.681% 10.12% 00.56% 2351992 130656.00 { random }