Originally Posted by DustyRugs
Do you flat a lot from the blinds? I'm 23/20/12 so semi-fish lol.
I was doing that yes. I was following a chart that had a balanced mix of limping, calling and raising when folded to in the small blind. It then has a balance of fold, call or raise.
I have been changing it up recently by tigthening up and just raising my whole range in the SB. I just got tired of going for limp/reraise with the correct hands and villains had just clicked the check/fold to any button. After simplifying the strat I'm closer to 24/20 now. I still defend BB mostly according to the chart, which is quite wide.
I think the limping sb strat is maybe better in more competitive games where people know how to defend their BB. And the rake is a huge factor, since seeing a flop guarantees rake, right?
Last edited by Wolfram; 12-16-2020 at 08:50 PM.