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General Question: 3betting General Question: 3betting

10-11-2008 , 02:31 PM
I play 6max 20NL, and I was wondering if there were any rules of thumb about when to call a 3bet preflop, and when to 3bet a raiser yourself.

For example, say it's folded to me in the CO with pocket 6s, and I raise 4x only to be re-raised by the BB? Do I call? Does the right decision change if, say, the SB called my raise too?

Also, say I have JJ in the SB and the CO raises 4x. Do I re-raise, or just call? Assuming I just joined the table in both situations and have no reads.

I think I'm starting to grasp the basics of this game, but I always seem to be lost in these situations. Up until now I've just calling in both situations. Any help is appreciated.
General Question: 3betting Quote
10-11-2008 , 03:25 PM
As a pretty general rule, in case #1 you want the ratio of the [effective stack sizes]: [money you have to call] to be about 15:1 or more before you start calling with 22-88 in position for a combination set value and value in playing the hand postflop in general. When you are out of position, this ratio needs to be about 20:1, and 99 will be lumped into this category. You can add 2-4 to the left side of these ratios to be on the safe side when you are readless with 22-77.

There's nothing wrong with flatting JJ in general esp vs. UTG or MP opens readless, but when the CO or BTN opens --- or the SB when you are in the BB ---, just bet to 14bb --- stnd size OOP vs. a 4bb open, IP make it 12bb or 13bb --- and expect this to be more +EV readless than calling at 20nl on average.

If you get 4bet by someone with a reasonable stack size, it's not a tough spot at all, just fold without reads as you will be -EV on avg to continue. If you 3bet and get called and end up OOP on a board with "those dreaded overcards", just b/f about 2/3rds pot. Without a read on his tendencies after you check, you'll just put yourself in a lot of situations that no one can play optimally without reads.
General Question: 3betting Quote
10-11-2008 , 04:20 PM
Exactly what I was looking for, thanks.
General Question: 3betting Quote
10-11-2008 , 04:21 PM
Good Post to the internet. I have "general rules" myself as poker is a situational game.
General Question: 3betting Quote
