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games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos?

03-24-2010 , 02:23 AM
just wondering what u guys think. 10 months ago to about 18 mos ago i was like 7 bb/100 for a month then 5 for a month then 8 etc. lowest was like 2 or 3, but ihavent had a month where i crushed it in awhile. btw i mostly play 25 full ring on stars. ive gotten some coaching and i KNOW im a better player now, than back then, but my results dont show it. wtf.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-24-2010 , 03:12 AM
yeah there are waaaay more bots out there now
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-24-2010 , 03:18 AM
i dont think they have gotten easier
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-24-2010 , 03:28 AM
games will keep getting tougher, just like what happened in limit.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:20 AM
Yes they have. I started about 6 months ago and I have seen the game get progressively harder. However if you keep an eye on the COTW each week you will see players immediately implementing these strategies at the tables. Particularily COTW's like the one about playing out of position and double barelling.

You just keep having to read and do hand reviews to keep on top of it, but the level is certainly beatable if you just keep working on the basics like hand ranging and value betting.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by The Crafty Cockney
However if you keep an eye on the COTW each week you will see the author try to destroy their profits and help people they see day in and day out cut into them
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-24-2010 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by jessyj
I do not think that is entirely right.

Buy yeah, the games are tougher than 1 year ago, but far away from unbeatable with enough work and some table selection.

Last edited by ready 2 win; 03-24-2010 at 08:23 AM. Reason: mistypo
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 02:24 AM
im mtting about 18 -20 tables and using pt3 and im breakin even/losing the past 3 mo. keep logging hours but havent broke out of the funk.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by cade
im mtting about 18 -20 tables and using pt3 and im breakin even/losing the past 3 mo. keep logging hours but havent broke out of the funk.
Play less tables IMO. I play one and the BR keeps increasing.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by Mista Live
Play less tables IMO. I play one and the BR keeps increasing.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by Mista Live
Play less tables IMO
+ fewer


f u, chelski scum
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by Mista Live
Play less tables IMO. I play one and the BR keeps increasing.
[x]doing it right

no money 2+ tabling.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 04:42 AM
Yeah, but they've gotten easier again this month since I started playing again...

But yeah, games have gotten tougher... still far from unbeatable though.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 08:54 AM
No money in the micros, everyone's solid.

All kidding aside, yes the games are getting tougher in that regulars are continuing to learn. Keep in mind that in 2004, most players outside of the top elite had never heard or imagined cbetting. When WCGRider did his prop bet in 2009, posters were chiding him for showing 25nl players 3betting light. Now the average 25nl player will 3bet light steal attempts. Floating in position is standard at 25nl.

I think two of the drivers for Daniel Negreanu's recent attempts to actually learn cash from top on-line players was his surprise at what he was seeing as he moved up in the micro challenge he put himself through and the 2easy challenge. It must have been painful for him to admit that not only wasn't he in the elite in NL cash, he really wasn't competitive with a whole group of people he didn't even recognize.

So the OP will need to do what DN did: Step up his game.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 09:44 AM
I play 50 nl - 100nl with mediocre succes but i find the field at 100nl & 50NL more so to be so awfully spewy.
I have a crappy tracker and a crappy laptop 13" to play on but i just join tables where i have a lot of people tagged as fish, calling stations, or bad lags.
Half of the tables i play at most people are running 40/5 or 25/10
and i'm running at a solid 3.2 ptbb after my incredible downswing but that's not really important right now.

Now the average 25nl player will 3bet light steal attempts. Floating in position is standard at 25nl.
in my experience (50NL mostly) they do this all the time, for example a 45/4 calling you down till the river and shoves when you check. or they don't do this at all, and then u have the tight nit who folds 90 % to 3B with just a 9 % pfr

My point that their game is so badly balanced, they all have one or multiple things they overabuse like floating, bad 3betting, minraise cbets every time for info, if u learn to know these tendencies the field at 25 - 100 nl looks like a bunch of ******s playing poker, no offence to anyone and i don't claim to be even a solid winner but this is my vision about how i see the field i play against.

this is how i get my money: first of all from spewing people that make about half of the table, this guy was running 40/20/1.2 3B and AF of 0.63

Full Tilt Poker $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players - View hand 608502
The Official Hand History Converter

UTG: $17.50
UTG+1: $70.85
MP: $42.50
CO: $43.90
BTN: $53.85
SB: $47.65
Hero (BB): $54.65

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BB with Q Q
5 folds, SB raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $4.50, SB calls $3

Flop: ($9.00) 4 7 9 (2 players)
SB bets $9, Hero calls $9

Turn: ($27.00) T (2 players)
SB bets $13.50, Hero raises to $41.15 all in, SB calls $20.65 all in

River: ($95.30) T (2 players - 2 are all in)

BTW hands like these happen about 3-4 times in a 1K - 2K hands session, so yeeey that's 3,4 BI up for that session

secondly letting people who overly float and try to bet you of your hand on the turn and river just let them bet their hand. my thoughtprocess here is mostly : ok this guy is calling raises with about 30-50 % of hands depending on stats. on this flop it will be mostly draws and besides that maybe a rag ace he's continueing with or a small king or a hand like J10, Q10
in my head i already made the decision that my range is much tighter than his but why bet here since he's an overly floater he will just bet into you on the turn and river. only mistake i made this hand was not shoving the river cause a Kx hand made only about 30% of his total range. and he only has 3 outs since i was pretty sure he had Ax. so giving a free card is not that dangerous. or raising the T would be alot better

Full Tilt Poker $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 608511
The Official Hand History Converter

BTN: $50.00
SB: $17.00
BB: $32.75
Hero (UTG): $50.75
UTG+1: $60.10
UTG+2: $44.15
MP1: $17.50
MP2: $14.90
CO: $32.65

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is UTG with Q Q
Hero raises to $1.75, 4 folds, CO calls $1.75, 3 folds

Flop: ($4.25) T 5 K (2 players)
Hero bets $3.25, CO calls $3.25

Turn: ($10.75) 4 (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $3, Hero calls $3

River: ($16.75) 7 (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $7.50, Hero calls $7.50

Sure once in a while i pay someone off who didn't overbet his hand but that's no prob since i'm getting way more value from calling bets with second best hands who turn out to be the nuts on the river. remember in the last example raising would've been a better option but here i just decided to go with my reads and the tendencies these types of players have and exploiting them to the fullest.

wow that turned out to ne quit a chunk of text. prolly a ****load of blabla but this is my vision on the micro - small stakes although i won't deny that there are some regs i'd rather stay away from.

Last edited by SnWhy; 03-26-2010 at 09:50 AM.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 09:50 AM
I don't know about NL25 but as far as NL10 goes it's pretty easy.. I normally play between 1 and 3 tables and I'm gonna end this month with 10PTbb/100 or more.. Only in the last 3 days I'm up like $130..
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:01 AM
THATS THE BEGINNING OF THE END: fish die and every reg is solid.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:06 AM
Holy crap this is hilarious. 25NL is not difficult.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by conquistador28
I don't mean you should play one!! lol I play one Rush table out of personal preference, nothing wrong with multi tabling.. I just mean if you're playing a vast amount of tables and are not winning, it's logical to play less tables, init?
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by YummyYumChicken
+ fewer


f u, chelski scum
less = fewer

Dirty Gooner!
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Mista Live
less = fewer

Dirty Gooner!
Play 1 table less. Play fewer tables.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by SnWhy
I play 50 nl - 100nl with mediocre succes but i find the field at 100nl & 50NL more so to be so awfully spewy.
I have a crappy tracker and a crappy laptop 13" to play on but i just join tables where i have a lot of people tagged as fish, calling stations, or bad lags.
Half of the tables i play at most people are running 40/5 or 25/10
and i'm running at a solid 3.2 ptbb after my incredible downswing but that's not really important right now.
Huh? When I open a random NL50 FR table there's usually like one dude who's VPIP is over 20. Once in a blue moon there are tables with 2 or 3 opponents with VPIPs of 30+ but that's an exception. Tables where no one(except me, from all the blind stealing) has a VPIP of over 15 are very common.

The average VPIP in my NL50 (and it's 8-max, not 10-max) games is 23 and that's after table selection and after the fact that the VPIP 10-15 dudes play 20 tables and the VPIP 30 dudes play 1-2 tables, which means the average VPIP PER SEAT (which is what matters more than the average per player) is something like 18-20.

Most of the time I just steal blinds like crazy and 3-bet dudes who fold 80-90% of the time. Of course you sometimes stack fishes who play for stacks with weak overpairs and such, but that's a rare exception, not status quo.

Of course the NL50 regs aren't good for the most part, but they are not loose calling stations, they are nits who fold overpairs to flop raises and top pairs when you barrel.

I wouldn't say the games are tough, but I would say that they are very nitty, which requires different tactics than a table full of loose passives.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by kickflip252
No HU everyone, money is solid.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
03-26-2010 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Mista Live
No HU everyone, money is solid.
games goten touhger in the last 10-12 mos? Quote
