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Full buy in, 5 tables, or half buy in 10 tables? Full buy in, 5 tables, or half buy in 10 tables?

01-08-2010 , 07:13 PM
Which generally has a higher ROI for a winning player, playing a few tables with a full buy in or playing twice the tables with half a buy in?

I know I'm going to get flamed for even mentioning shortstacking, but the amount of times I've taken a hand to the river even lately is making me think there is more money to be made by just pushing premium hands early, and having twice the tables.

01-08-2010 , 07:24 PM
I'll take buy in full for 100 please, Alex
01-08-2010 , 07:26 PM
Buy in full obv and play better
01-08-2010 , 07:27 PM
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