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FT vs PS FT vs PS

04-07-2008 , 03:28 PM
Curious to know thoughts on Full Tilt vs Poker Stars. Where do you guys prefer to play, or do most of you play on both?

I'm sure there have been discussions on this before so thread links would be appreciated.

FT vs PS Quote
04-07-2008 , 04:19 PM
PokerStars is less rigged.
FT vs PS Quote
04-07-2008 , 04:21 PM
if you go to the internet gambling forum you can see many many examples of why full tilt is absolutely freaking terrible

PS ftw
FT vs PS Quote
04-07-2008 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by ddubois
PokerStars is less rigged.
FT vs PS Quote
04-07-2008 , 05:21 PM
Strangely enough, I disagree completely with those who like Stars better. Everyone has their their preferences...

I like FT better, and I've played there more over the years... I've also won infinitely more on FT than Stars, but that just feeds bias, and shouldn't be used as a metric (i.e. "I run worse on Stars" and other meaningless stuff).

Some of the things I dislike about PokerStars are aesthetic (I don't like the sounds & graphics as much - yes, if I went through the trouble I could customize).

Saying that either is "absolutely freaking terrible" really isn't constructive. They both have their positives/negatives. Given that they are two of the largest sites, their competition is causing them to improve constantly.
FT vs PS Quote
04-07-2008 , 05:59 PM
There is a lot to like about Full Tilt. I like the pot button. I like rakeback. I like data mining. I like the third party software support, like SixthSense and Full Tilt Shortcuts.
FT vs PS Quote
04-07-2008 , 06:00 PM
I like Full Tilt because donks like to watch TV see the ads and sign up there.
FT vs PS Quote
04-07-2008 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by 663366
I like Full Tilt because donks like to watch TV see the ads and sign up there.
I'm pretty sure Stars advertises just as much as FT.
FT vs PS Quote
04-07-2008 , 07:00 PM
ft has more bad laggy regs, stars has more bad nitty regs, imo
FT vs PS Quote
