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Friend starting out from the bottom. Direction? Friend starting out from the bottom. Direction?

10-30-2010 , 10:25 AM
A close friend of mine is just starting to play poker. He's never played for money, which is to his benefit as I don't have to spend months unteaching all of his misconceived ideas of the game.

He has however spent a number of hours with me and other grinders, and although we weren't playing 1c/2c, he's absorbed a little of our ramblings. He's also played A LOT of play money games, and fully understands the rules.

Bankroll strategy/psychological component have been stressed and won't be much of an issue.

He's currently 1-tabling 2nl on Stars, without HEM or a HUD. I don't want to implement too many rigid thought processes yet until he starts losing or comes to me for advice. Mostly because I want to see how he develops his own style/thinking, but also because I'm unfamiliar with these games. We have gone over the basics such as no open limping, position, and some stuff on bet sizing, though I'm hardly certain what is optimal.

I'm going to make him read Sklansky's The Theory of Poker, and maybe one of the current NLHE books.

What other literature would you recommend for him?
For those who have been/are where he is, what aspects of the game would you focus on showing him, and how?
Anything else you would provide him?

Thanks in advance to those who respond.
10-30-2010 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
... He's never played for money, which is to his benefit as I don't have to spend months unteaching all of his misconceived ideas of the game. ...

He's also played A LOT of play money games ...
You may still have to do that ... make sure he understands just because he ran $1000 in play money up to a mirrion that he can still lose his shirt at real money games and it's completely different. By the way, anyone want to buy my almost 7 million in play monies?

10-30-2010 , 12:07 PM
I think ''The Poker Blueprint'' might be a good read for him.
10-30-2010 , 12:10 PM
I would recommend him to read the COTW threads.
10-30-2010 , 12:13 PM
Theory of Poker is probably a little too much for someone 1-tabling 2NL. What about Getting Started in Hold 'Em by Ed Miller? Also Verneer's thread about moving up though the micros in 2010.
10-30-2010 , 12:38 PM
There's a lot of stuff in the stickied strat thread. Start there. Fee's guide, Verneer's thread.
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