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FRC: The Bracket Championships FRC: The Bracket Championships

09-10-2007 , 04:29 PM
I think the final 4 should be seeded based on overall record (winning percentage).

So the bracket winner with the best record plays the wild card and the other 2 bracket winners play each other?

Makes sense.

Then winners play for 1st and 2nd and losers play for 3rd and 4th?
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-10-2007 , 04:39 PM
From Jhill:

Just been really busy the last couple weeks. I do want to finish it up. I signed up thinking that it would be over in July, and I knew I would be busy this month. I will try to log in and work something out to get in the next round.
Thanks Berge. I am about to leave for Tunica and will be back on Wednesday. I pledge (if HANKMUCK is available) to get this round done by this weekend.
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-10-2007 , 04:48 PM
I think the final 4 should be seeded based on overall record (winning percentage).

So the bracket winner with the best record plays the wild card and the other 2 bracket winners play each other?

Makes sense.

Then winners play for 1st and 2nd and losers play for 3rd and 4th?
I think this is exactly what we had in mind.
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-16-2007 , 05:47 PM
Jhill lets do this, anyone know his aim?
pm me if you do
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-18-2007 , 11:14 PM
Done deal jhill3535 wins 4-1
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-19-2007 , 03:42 PM
Ian wins, 4-2. GG!
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-19-2007 , 03:43 PM
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-19-2007 , 03:48 PM
So now what, PB? I don't think we have four as there were only three brackets?!

Unless I'm mistaken we have Ian, Donk, and JHill left...
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-19-2007 , 03:57 PM
The one with the best record of the #4-#6 ppl advances aswell I think.
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-19-2007 , 04:33 PM
Yes. At this point we have 3 bracket champions and a wildcard.

The wildcard is the player with the best record of those that got eliminated during this round.

Falc 14-6
Mata Wispar 14-9

So Falc will advance and is now in the money. He will have to play the bracket champion with the best record.

The final 4 matchups will look like this:

Jhill3535 (16-5) verses Falc (14-6)
Mr Donktastic (16-6) verses Ian B0000 (16-7)

The winners of these matchups will play each other in the FRC final round, and the losers will play each other to determine who gets 3rd and 4th.

Good luck all.
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-19-2007 , 04:36 PM
let us gogogogogogogo

ian today is no good but i'll be in touch

let the prop betting begin!
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-19-2007 , 04:44 PM
Here is the payout schedule:

1st- $300
2nd- $200
3rd- $140
4th- $80

Donktastic gets an extra hundred from me from our prop.
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-19-2007 , 04:45 PM
Donk, I tried to send you a PM but your mailbox is full...
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-19-2007 , 04:54 PM
Donk, I tried to send you a PM but your mailbox is full...

In his run to become Full Ring Champion, Donk has picked up many fans and doesn't always have time to answer all of his fan mail.
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-19-2007 , 04:55 PM
Anybody want to fix one of the matches and get DLM to do a big prop bet with us?
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-19-2007 , 04:57 PM

Thanks for telling me LC...I cleared it.

I saved this one from pterodactyl_ though (hint hint)

Re: Free Monnnnies
From: pterodactyl_
I'm down. Conisder it done.
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-19-2007 , 05:05 PM
Donk, I tried to send you a PM but your mailbox is full...

In his run to become Full Ring Champion, Donk has picked up many fans and doesn't always have time to answer all of his fan mail.
What? I'm not the only one anymore?!
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-20-2007 , 04:28 PM
Ian and I are playing on Monday around noon.

Mark your calendars.

I think the odds are pretty even but I'd be willing to put a hundo on the match anyway just to make it interesting. Any takers?
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-20-2007 , 06:22 PM
Waiting to hear back from Falc., hopefully we can play some night during next week, and that way we can get the final matches wrapped up by nextweekend.
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-21-2007 , 09:34 PM
Ian and I are playing on Monday around noon.

Mark your calendars.

I think the odds are pretty even but I'd be willing to put a hundo on the match anyway just to make it interesting. Any takers?
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-21-2007 , 09:39 PM
ill put up to 400 on you in escrow deals only. well what are terms of the match?
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-21-2007 , 09:40 PM
ill put up to 400 on you in escrow deals only. well what are terms of the match?
I just want to put some $$$ on myself at even odds to win the best of 7.
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-21-2007 , 09:45 PM
cmon people this is IAN FKN BARNES he is l33t
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-24-2007 , 11:55 AM
Ian you still wanna play today? I didn't see you logged on AIM.

I can play but I have to do a few things first. I should be ready in an hour or so.
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
09-24-2007 , 12:00 PM
As the Internet was coming into its own, during the early 1980s, hackers that didn't want their websites, newsgroups, etc, to be picked up in a simple keyword search began using numbers to replace certain letters (mostly vowels) such as A = 4 or E = 3.

At this point, l33t speak was only known to a select few and only used when necessary. However, in 1994, id Software began to add Internet connectivity to Doom and Doom II, leading to a revolution in PC gaming and also to the rise of l33t speak.

As with any type of competition, 'smack' talk became prevalent in online gaming. Phrases such as 'I am elite' became common place, and somewhere down the line l33t speak crept in, reforming the phrase into '1 4m 3l1t3' in order to demonstrate that the speaker was a hacker and someone to be feared. It was further exaggerated by purposeful bad spelling and eventually wound up as something like this, '1 4m 3l33t!' and simplified to, '1 4m 133t'. Hence the name 'l33t speak'.

l33t speak was still relatively unknown to the Internet masses at this point. It had almost disappeared from gaming entirely. However, a very popular web comic called Megatokyo brought l33t speak into mainstream with its infamous speak l33t? comic. These days l33t speak is very well known to the hardcore Internet community (especially gamers).

As you've already seen, basic l33t is just replacing vowels with numbers:

A = 4
E = 3
I = 1
O = 0
However l33t is a very flexible 'language' and you can go from this very basic l33t, to ultra 1337 by being creative; a few examples:

O = ()
U = |_|
T = 7
D = |)
W = \/\/
S = $
There is no agreed-upon way to write l33t, so it's up to you whether or not to go with light l33t, medium 1337, hard |_337 or even ultra |_33¯|¯. In this entry, 'l33t' is used except when referring to medium, hard or ultra '1337'.

The -0r clause can be used in place of -ed or -er, for example '1 0wnz0r!' (most commonly seen in ultra 1337 as '1 0\/\/|\|z0r!') rather than '1 0wn3d'. However it can also be used like this, '1 4m l33t h4x0r!' (in ultra 1337, '1 4|\/| |_337 |-|4x0r!') rather than, '1 4m 4 133t h4ck3r!'.

As a general rule, in l33t, rather than use 's' to make something plural, a 'z' is used instead. Also 'f' is normally changed to 'ph'. The short 'u' is often changed to '00', as well.

Punctuation is usually left out with greater consistency as the level of l33t increases. Full stops are left out entirely because, when you are chatting online, where you would normally put a full stop you just hit 'enter' to send the message and keep typing. Exclamation marks are used quite a bit (and usually quite a number at once), mostly because l33t is most commonly used in expressions of pleasure. Commas are generally left out in hard and ultra 1337, and are uncommon in medium 1337.

Recently after the dawn of MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft as a popular form of online gaming, l33t speak has become an epidemic to the point of burnout. Most l33t speak is generally considered a sign of immaturity or is done derisively and tounge in cheek.

some "l33t" loser "OMGZ0rz WTF n00b u d0n7 5|*34k l33t!!1 u r n0t 4 h4><0rz!!!"
everyone else "jeez, what a loser."

toungue in cheek:
friend 1 "oops i forgot to take off my caps lock"
friend 2 "OMGZ CAPS U 5|_|x n00b!!1one =)"
friend 1 "haha. gosh i must be a noob =p"
FRC: The Bracket Championships Quote
