Preflop: Hero is MP with 9 9 :: ::
Hero raises to $0.06, CO calls $0.06, BTN calls $0.06, SB calls $0.05, BB folds
Flop: ($0.26) 8 2 6 (4 players)
SB bets $0.02, Hero raises to $0.16, CO raises to $0.30, 3 folds
Results: $0.60 pot ($0.03 rake)
Final Board: 8 2 6
Hero mucked 9 9 :: :: and lost (-$0.22 net)
CO mucked and won $0.57 ($0.35 net)
BTN mucked and lost (-$0.06 net)
SB mucked and lost (-$0.08 net)
To clarify this is an ovepair not top pair. The mistake here is playing with 67bb instead of 100bb. You have to raise a mini donk bet from a shortstack. As played you can get in because you are both short and he can have lots of hands you beat.