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Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question)

10-18-2010 , 05:10 PM
lol SL on fire today.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:12 PM
Somone ask itt how we play AQs out of the blinds against an unknow?

Answer: We going to 3 bet AQs for value and info all day long against an unknow EP opener.
We have a hand and that what matters first. Why we should looking for an unknow players range if we dont know anything abut him???

There is no other answer that we are going to 3bet him imo. Its so clear like water...
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:15 PM
Martin for someone who acts like he wants to think about things more than other people you are pretty ****in closeminded. Your only support for your position is "its so clear like water"? It's not that clear to me, so can you please explain it step by step for me? I'm slow.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:20 PM
OF COURSE! Now I get it!

AQ is ahead of the villans 3 bet calling range! Oh, wait, I'm sorry. You said we were 3 betting for information! That's right. Put extra money out there to find out if we have the best hand. I never thought of that before. You, dear sir, might have revolutionized my game.

I hope no one else reads this. Now I can go crush all those HUD bots!
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by MartinK1

so we going to 3bet for value and for info to find this out.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:22 PM
Stop looking at your hud and start looking at the stars. There you will find the answer.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:26 PM
Step by step:

question how we play AQs vs. an unknow EP opner?

answer step 1: What we know? he opens EP nothing else. We dont know anything about his range, about his style, about his positions awarness, about his tendencies, about his image, about his level thinking, how he is thinking about us etc...
He is an unknow random player who opens with any possible holding in EP.

Step 2: Now you guys want to tell me AQs is a fold or if not than (with some stomach-ache) a call and c/f on any flops than we miss. Because you guys know more about an unknow player than I know.

Step 3: bottomline: because you have more informations about an unknow player than I have atm, we cant get together to a common point in this question.


Last edited by MartinK1; 10-18-2010 at 05:32 PM.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by MartinK1
Somone ask itt how we play AQs out of the blinds against an unknow?

Answer: We going to 3 bet AQs for value and info all day long against an unknow EP opener.
Ya, let's fold out all the Ax crap hands that we beat preflop and leave in only the hands that either are slight favorites to ours or those have us crushed. And let's do all this OOP.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by kock
Ya, let's fold out all the Ax crap hands that we beat preflop and leave in only the hands that either are slight favorites to ours or those have us crushed. And let's do all this OOP.
we dont even know if he is going to fold all Ax crap hands to our 3bet.
Still he is a simple unknow player. DO we know anything about his fold to 3bet tendencies???
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:44 PM
Step 1 - While we don't have information about the villan, since we play a lot of poker, we DO know how the average full stacked player plays. As there are a LOT more full stacked regs than full stacked fish, it would behoove us to assume they are a reg than a fish. So, no we don't have specific information. But that doesn't mean we don't have ANY information.

Step 2 - Apparently you can't read. I specifically said it is a fold or 3 bet. AQ has great card removal and as such it is great for our bluffing range. At no point have I advocating calling as we will have to play fit or reverse ROI situation.

Step 3 - You are correct sir. We can't aggree. You seem to think unknown full stacked players are fish who will call 3 bets with hands AQ beats. I believe that a full stacked villan is more likely to be a TAG.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:45 PM
Okay, so generalizing this discussion, what sorts of hands do we call an EP open with? What hands do we 3bet an EP open with? This spot comes up all the time so I'm curious how you guys handle it. Let's suppose villain is a competent 15/12 reg.

If we give villain a range of 77+, AQs+, AK+ (5.1%), then AQs has 39% equity so is almost certainly worth a fold. Similarly, 99 has 42% equity, and we are not setmining oop, despite the fact that UTG has strong holdings, and will more likely pay us off if we hit our set.

I don't have this question figured out, but thought I'd ask anyway: what about the borderline cases? I'll include the Pokerstove equities so you'll have some idea. In general, I loathe playing oop, but also don't want to 3bet a tight UTG open range, so I'm often unhappy regardless of what I do.

TT(49%), JJ (55%), QQ (61%), KK (71%), AKo (43%), AKs (46%).

To start, I should mention that (ignoring balancing issues, obv) it looks like even AK/TT is a fold, and JJ-QQ might be a call, and KK is probably a 3bet (although I'd hate to 3b/fold KK...). Help!
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:49 PM
I'm curious as to how you got that we should 3-bet a hand only knowing the equity against their opening range.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by soupersong
You can set-mine OOP in a raised pot. Its the 3-bet pots you want to avoid.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by MartinK1
we dont even know if he is going to fold all Ax crap hands to our 3bet.
Still he is a simple unknow player. DO we know anything about his fold to 3bet tendencies???
This isn't 2006. Also, you are an unknown to him as well. For all he knows you could be a nit. You are OOP and you just three bet him. Even a beginner knows that usually means a pretty big hand. Is he really going to call you with anything that you can beat?
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:54 PM
Against unknows UTG range I will set mine any pair, call with AK (as it will usually get 2 good streets of value from worse Aces) and 3 bet AA/KK.

If their a reg, then I will either open up or close up my range based on my reads/relative skill.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
I'm curious
tbh I am curious too.

Maybe we are human and looking for clear-water answers to our questions around us and our world.
But its poker and math is a part of the game but not everything like all of you HUD-bot-nits think.

HUD-bot-nit is thinking only in ranges and +EV play and everything around outside this mindset is WRONG has to be WRONG and WILL BE WRONG forever b/c everybody of you HUD-bot-nits (like a group dynamic) preach this here in 2p2 forum all day long....
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:59 PM
Thinking in ranges and +ev play is wrong? please... elaborate.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 06:01 PM
Miss Cleo
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
Thinking in ranges and +ev play is wrong? please... elaborate.
I said thinking ONLY in ranges and +EV play in wrong b/c you will be very exploitable to some point and you dont be able to make any futher progress in this game if math cant help you hit some walls of your poker-career.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 06:08 PM
Everyone is very exploitable. You just have to know how to exploit them.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by MartinK1
I said thinking ONLY in ranges and +EV play in wrong b/c you will be very exploitable to some point and you dont be able to make any futher progress in this game if math cant help you hit some walls of your poker-career.
So let me get this straight. +EV play is exploitable because eventually we will run up against someone like you who is so good that he doesn't need to think in ranges and make + EV decisions? I'm starting to doubt you are who you claim to be.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 06:17 PM
Nah I am just saying math is ONE part of this game but there is still some more aspects around poker
but anyway...
First I have to show a 200k hands winning graph than talk more about strat I guess...
Everything make no sense if I cant proof it with some winnings over a large sample size.
Sorry I am troll for now.

And sorry again for hi-jacking your dicussion about ranges and +EV play in some spots vs. an unknow player.

Now go ahead guys and teach this guy how he should play...
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 06:20 PM
So, math and ranges are one part of online play.

And the other parts are....

Anyone else hear crickets?
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 06:48 PM
Timing tells and avatars, ldo.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
10-18-2010 , 07:05 PM
If my aces are both red I fold pre because they never win.
Folding AQs as standard in the blinds to an early position raise (strategy question) Quote
