Im easily beating this limit and i after reviewing my hands ive noticed that a big part of the money i lose is to AA. Today alone i have ran into aces with queens 3 times, with AK twice and once with AQ and im starting to wonder if it is really profitable to go all in with these hands. Normally what i would do is do the 3x bb raise +1bb per limper, if i get re-raised ill 3bet and if this 3bet will leave me with under 40% of my stack ill just shove.
The thing is, even though some ppl have AA, ive seen people re raise or shove with a wide variety of hands, from total garbage to JJ and AQ, AJ and that kind of hands, so my question is:
Unless I have a note on them that they go 'ai' light,I'd even fold the QQ. I fold KK sometimes at higher limits. I've lost alot of buy-ins with KK up against AA. AQ ai pf?Fold that junk.