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First Question, is my thinking correct on this hand? First Question, is my thinking correct on this hand?

02-23-2017 , 11:27 PM
I hope I am posting this in the correct section. All the books I read say to post hands and try to get input from better players so I can learn, so here goes.

I am Prizzy77 and have JdJs. the villian has a vpip of 40 and pfr 32, ag 5.

AFter the hand, using flopzilla, putting in his range of roughtly top 40%, I think it was a bad fold, and he may have been trying to steal. He raised pre to 2.5x. I don't think he would have done that with the hands that would make a straight here, 4 5. I think he either flopped a set, and checked the flop, or is trying to steal.
First Question, is my thinking correct on this hand? Quote
02-24-2017 , 02:34 AM
3bet pre, ap bet turn bigger and call it off, we underrepped our hand enough and this way, if we lose we understand why we 3bet this. also full buy in.
First Question, is my thinking correct on this hand? Quote
02-24-2017 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Prizzy

I am Prizzy77 and have JdJs. the villian has a vpip of 40 and pfr 32, ag 5.

He raised pre to 2.5x. I don't think he would have done that with the hands that would make a straight here, 4 5.

This isn't an assumption you can make unless villain is very obviously varying his open sizes to match his strength. Raising 2.5bb from the button with 54s is possible because his range will be wide since he is on the button.
First Question, is my thinking correct on this hand? Quote
02-25-2017 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Renekton
This isn't an assumption you can make unless villain is very obviously varying his open sizes to match his strength. Raising 2.5bb from the button with 54s is possible because his range will be wide since he is on the button.

That's why you don't play at tables with such weird stacks all around. And in this case, you could make that assumption because 2.5bb could be a lot to someone who is playing 50?60?bb.

3bet pre. bet flop. Put him to a decision by the flop - the only hands that beat you is a set and any other drawing hands will probably shut down.

As it is, I don't mind the fold- I get it. But you shouldn't even put yourself in such positions in the first place with hands like JJ, especially on the blinds. The best you can hope for is a really dry board all T and under, your hand turns into a set mine.

Don't play with such a weird stack size population. If you do, either completely short stack it or full buy-in.
First Question, is my thinking correct on this hand? Quote
02-25-2017 , 09:51 AM
Thinking seems poor, on all streets.

You should be re-raising pre-flop, because we know he opens lots of hands, and he will be opening the most hands on the button.

There are lots of hands that will call your pre-flop raise that are worse than JJ, so you get value from this. Not re-raising pre loses $ with this hand vs this opponent. He only has a 35bb stack anyway, so you should be looking to get JJ all-in at that stack depth, certainly vs this loose player.

If you had re-raised pre, you would be looking to stack off on that flop (low cards and you have an overpair), or bet big enough so you can on the turn.

As played, you should bet the turn bigger, 4c gives flush draws the correct odds to call (you want to either make them fold, or call with the wrong odds), and you get minimal value from a 6 or a T that was checked on the flop by him (T being checked back is less likley).

When raised, I'm probably just getting it in, because we have an overpair that is disguised due to our passive play, and the fact that he is aggressive (meaning his raising range is weaker vs a nit doing the same thing). That being said, not suprised if behind, but as said already, that just proves why we should be re-rasing pre flop.

Your play suggests some fundamental errors in thinking, in my view, but getting feedback is a great way to address this, and hopefully the above helps.
First Question, is my thinking correct on this hand? Quote
02-25-2017 , 06:35 PM
Thanks a lot for all the insight. i didn't really consider the stack sizes. I am new, and figured this was standard beginners stuff. i definitely should have 3 bet pre.
First Question, is my thinking correct on this hand? Quote
02-25-2017 , 06:46 PM
3b pre
First Question, is my thinking correct on this hand? Quote
02-27-2017 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by SE24
Thinking seems poor, on all streets.

You should be re-raising pre-flop, because we know he opens lots of hands, and he will be opening the most hands on the button.

There are lots of hands that will call your pre-flop raise that are worse than JJ, so you get value from this. Not re-raising pre loses $ with this hand vs this opponent. He only has a 35bb stack anyway, so you should be looking to get JJ all-in at that stack depth, certainly vs this loose player.

If you had re-raised pre, you would be looking to stack off on that flop (low cards and you have an overpair), or bet big enough so you can on the turn.

As played, you should bet the turn bigger, 4c gives flush draws the correct odds to call (you want to either make them fold, or call with the wrong odds), and you get minimal value from a 6 or a T that was checked on the flop by him (T being checked back is less likley).

When raised, I'm probably just getting it in, because we have an overpair that is disguised due to our passive play, and the fact that he is aggressive (meaning his raising range is weaker vs a nit doing the same thing). That being said, not suprised if behind, but as said already, that just proves why we should be re-rasing pre flop.

Your play suggests some fundamental errors in thinking, in my view, but getting feedback is a great way to address this, and hopefully the above helps.
Thanks. i am playing some tourneys and im learning about the short stack play. i didnt think it would be the same in a cash game. I never thought about going all in. I also didn't think about giving the flush draw the correct odds of calling. that's pretty important. Thank you guys so much for the help!
First Question, is my thinking correct on this hand? Quote
