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Finally bought tracking software, got some questions. Finally bought tracking software, got some questions.

03-13-2012 , 05:07 PM
OK. So I finally bought tracking software. I tried the fpdb but it only tracked about 20% of my hands. Anyways I've got a million questions but here's the first one.

How often do you end up going all in with neg. equity(per 100 hands)? So how often do you completely misread an opponent, run into an overpair, get set-mined, take an overpair against a strange two-pair, or however many more situations.

I know that some people will say it depends on style, opponents, etc. I'm just curious. I've played about 13,000(small) hands and have noticed that I end up in negative equity showdowns much less often than when I first started(baby steps). I know its a good trend to see but what am I shooting for.

Related question. What kind of odds are callable if youre pretty certain youre beat? One hand in question, I had an awesome session decided to play one last hand as a small gamble with 103s and limped utg planning on folding but one player with position raised to 2bb everyone else folded and I called. We've both have stacks a little over 100bb. Flop came 1010A rainbow. I almost died lauging and checked with the intention of check-calling. He bets the pot and I called. Turn is a queen. Thinking to myself if he's got AQ I'll take him to the cleaners. I check with the intention of check-raising he over bets and I just called and we both have 40bb left so we're pretty much committed. At this point I'm reasonably certain he has an ace, could be a low ace based on his small initial raise but the over bet made me think AQ. I discounted QQ because of small initial bet and betting into a paired board with an Ace on it but it could have been a typical c-bet. Other pairs seem possible but I'm not worried about them. Its unlikely that he's holding the last 10 but an A10 holding seems to fit if he wanted me to hit the board so as not to scare me away if I have what i thought was a strong ace. River is an A. ****! so if he's got any ace he now be beats me, the queens still beat me, i was already screwed with A10 so now I feel that just about any reasonable hand beats me. The only thing I can beat is JJ or KK. I kinda freaked out and shoved(typical newb) but he would have put me all in anyways and I probably have called. So school me.
03-13-2012 , 05:08 PM
i'm pretty sure i've never gotten it in with negative equity. that would suck pretty bad i guess.
03-14-2012 , 12:05 AM
I used "equity" incorrectly. I'm not talking about going all in with negative equity (which is 0-100% so yah it would suck you would have to be dealt pokemon cards or something) vs a distribution which is clearly incorrect(maybe, but probably not, correct as a metagame play). I'm talking about having gone all in or into a showdown only to find out that you had little chance of winning the hand, that showdown value is negative. Calling with the second nuts is negative if the other guy had the first nuts in the sense I'm thinking of even though vs most distributions the second nuts fairs pretty well. It must have happened that You went all in with kings to lose to Aces or got set-over-set-ed. At higher levels I would assume that instead of shoving preflop as happens in 5nl, you get into artsy 3,4,5-bet scenarios. But at 5nl 3 bets get called(which i hear is strange) or get shipped. In my experience I don't think I've ever seen a 4b that wasn't all in especially since there are so many short stacks everywhere.

So let me rephrase. How often do you make a neg ev bet/call? is it really possible that good players never make these bad bet/calls or that really safe and smart players can fold everything that isn't a winner. It can't be possible to completely avoid calling someone's value bet even with awesome pot odds? I feel like with a hand like pocket aces and a flop 444, that your equity is good but occasionally you run into some jerk with A4s. In that scenario you have great equity but very negative expected showdown value(needing both aces).

Maybe I should be looking at a dif stat. Non-showdown winrate maybe? My non-showdown winrate is usually negative which means I've usually got good showdown winrate to keep my overall winrate positive. So is non-showdown winrate supposed to be neutral, positive, or negative? and how much so? I would expect that its negative since your loses in the blinds are in this category and everyone loses money in blinds but i can also imagine a player who can manage to win without ever or rarely seeing a showdown.

And I have never been dealt pokemon cards preflop so I have also never been in a negative equity situation. I have been schooled.
03-14-2012 , 12:11 AM
While we're at it, what about showdown winning percentage? I'm at 52%. A help box popped up once and said if you fall below 50% then you're too loose but obviously this doesn't account for the size of the pot. I'm trying to make goals and any little bit helps me explore my game more.
03-14-2012 , 01:08 AM
wait... so in that hand that you posted he bet 60bb on the turn into a 15bb pot?
03-14-2012 , 01:23 AM
Yes. Huge!!! Overbet!!!

Last edited by CaptainKout; 03-14-2012 at 01:32 AM.
03-14-2012 , 01:43 AM
I just got the tracking software and can't find the darn hand. This is off memory. When I say 40bb left after the overbet I mean effective stack. His stack was smaller than mine to begin with, I had a little over 100bb he was near enough to me that I didn't take note. After losing the hand I had 20bb left so he was probably between 80bb and 90bb to start. His turn bet was still a huge over bet but might have been 40bb into a pot of 15bb. I wish i could be more exact.The hand literally doesn't exist in my HH. But the pain is obviously with me.
03-14-2012 , 09:25 AM
Try using the search feature, or the LC thread. Please use the stickies as these questions are not threadworthy.
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