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Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL

05-14-2019 , 03:06 PM
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD Poker HUD and Database Software

NL Holdem $0.05(BB)
CO ($11.50) [VPIP: 24.8% | PFR: 20.6% | AGG: 33.5% | 3-Bet: 7.6% | Hands: 3862]
BTN ($2.98) [VPIP: 43.7% | PFR: 12.8% | AGG: 31.8% | 3-Bet: 6.8% | Hands: 678]
SB ($22.20) [VPIP: 25.6% | PFR: 15.6% | AGG: 31.1% | 3-Bet: 5.5% | Hands: 419]
BB ($5) [VPIP: 21.8% | PFR: 16.5% | AGG: 25% | 3-Bet: 5.2% | Hands: 177]
UTG ($5) [VPIP: 27.7% | PFR: 20.8% | AGG: 17.5% | 3-Bet: 9.7% | Hands: 176]
HERO ($8.30) [VPIP: 26.4% | PFR: 22.2% | AGG: 33.2% | 3-Bet: 10.7% | Hands: 65604]

Dealt to Hero: 6 6

UTG Folds, HERO Raises To $0.11, CO Calls $0.11, BTN Folds, SB Raises To $0.55, BB Folds, HERO Calls $0.44, CO Calls $0.44

Hero SPR on Flop: [4.56 effective]
Flop ($1.70): 2 5 4
SB Bets $1.39 (Rem. Stack: 20.26), HERO Calls $1.39 (Rem. Stack: 6.36), CO Folds

Turn ($4.48): 2 5 4 7
SB Bets $7 (Rem. Stack: 13.26), HERO ?
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 03:12 PM
I would fold pre, as played fold flop due to sizing. You are drawing to 6 outs..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Lutra
I would fold pre, as played fold flop due to sizing. You are drawing to 6 outs if behind.

I don't see how we can possible fold since we have a pair+equity vs. AK/AQ!
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 03:37 PM
you realize 77,88,99,TT would all be folds on the flop before this right?.

Also I don't have 22,33,44 in my range. So you guys just fold your whole range on the flop lol what a joke.
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 03:38 PM
Hey hey, don't lump me in as folding the flop. I was just fixing that part for him since he left it out. I think calling's probably alright ott for reasons I put above

I would fold pre though. **** hand, **** playability, bad relative position.
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Hey hey, don't lump me in as folding the flop. I was just fixing that part for him since he left it out. I think calling's probably alright ott for reasons I put above

I would fold pre though. **** hand, **** playability, bad relative position.
yeh i fold pre if it is 100BBs for sure. but I am at 166BB's here. How deep would you have to be to call preflop?
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
yeh i fold pre if it is 100BBs for sure. but I am at 166BB's here. How deep would you have to be to call preflop?
Deeper make it worse because of relative position and getting set-over-set deeper.
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 04:00 PM
V looks like a fish, but not a super aggro fish. I would just assume he has JJ here and pick a better spot vs the fish.
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by WorldzMine
Deeper make it worse because of relative position and getting set-over-set deeper.
I haven't studied 200BB deep monker ranges (because they are like $500) but position goes up in value the deeper we are so wouldn't I be more likely to call with this hand?

I think Axs hands and middle pocket pairs go up in value but hands like KTs/KJs go down in value as we get deeper.
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
I haven't studied 200BB deep monker ranges (because they are like $500) but position goes up in value the deeper we are so wouldn't I be more likely to call with this hand?

I think Axs hands and middle pocket pairs go up in value but hands like KTs/KJs go down in value as we get deeper.
Yeah but there's a player behind that is likely to call, so you don't have good position.

I agree Axs goes up in value but I doubt middle pairs do because of condensed stack off ranges the deeper you get. I mean if you flop a middle set on a semi-wet board and raise and OOP jams over you are much less likely to be up against draws and other hands you beat as stacks get deeper. I'd be open to evidence that I'm wrong here, but doubt that I am readless.
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
I haven't studied 200BB deep monker ranges (because they are like $500) but position goes up in value the deeper we are so wouldn't I be more likely to call with this hand?

I think Axs hands and middle pocket pairs go up in value but hands like KTs/KJs go down in value as we get deeper.
^^^ This.

Implied odds go up with pocket pairs deeper we get, especially as opponents don't adjust to deep stack play. Look how aggressively SB played his overpair oop on a board where OP may have all the sets depending on his opening range. If OP knows he can stack an overpair this deep if he flops a set then calling is super profitable. Worrying about set over set is an endless worry (also very rare).. if it happens it happens.

People overvalue overpairs 200bb deep which makes set mining with all pocket pairs extremely profitable. Very very standard call pre. If you fold here you are going to be missing a tonne of value. Also we are in position to 3bettor...
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 04:41 PM
How is this a fold pre in position 160BB deep ?
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 04:44 PM
I play it the same and am calling it off OTT
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by dynamite2006
I play it the same and am calling it off OTT
Not sure you have the required equity to call off on this turn given that SB bluffing frequency might literally be 0 and terrible pot odds. Would be pretty assumptive to say he can have AK in this spot given stack depths and that he cbet multiway oop and then jams turn. Be interesting to calculate equity versus a range that is very likely QQ+.

Hero needs 38.8% equity to call. Against a range of QQ+ hero has 22% equity. So if we don't give villain any bluffs it's a fold. Against a range of QQ+/AKo+ then hero has 52% equity, but this obviously requires villain to be bluffing all these unpaired combos. So basically comes down to whether villain does this with AK, if he ever does then it's a call. If not then fold.

Probably underbluffing so probably want to lean towards folding

Last edited by 291; 05-14-2019 at 05:13 PM.
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 05:38 PM
snowie wants to 4b small with mid pairs or fold with these stacks

thought about raising flop small with 55/66 but meh. calling looks fine

turn looks pot odds fold, even if he bets some Ahighs occasionally
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by dynamite2006
I play it the same and am calling it off OTT
I ended up calling it off.

Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD Poker HUD and Database Software

NL Holdem $0.05(BB)
CO ($11.50) [VPIP: 24.8% | PFR: 20.6% | AGG: 33.5% | 3-Bet: 7.6% | Hands: 3862]
BTN ($2.98) [VPIP: 43.7% | PFR: 12.8% | AGG: 31.8% | 3-Bet: 6.8% | Hands: 678]
SB ($22.20) [VPIP: 25.6% | PFR: 15.6% | AGG: 31.1% | 3-Bet: 5.5% | Hands: 419]
BB ($5) [VPIP: 21.8% | PFR: 16.5% | AGG: 25% | 3-Bet: 5.2% | Hands: 177]
UTG ($5) [VPIP: 27.7% | PFR: 20.8% | AGG: 17.5% | 3-Bet: 9.7% | Hands: 176]
HERO ($8.30) [VPIP: 26.4% | PFR: 22.2% | AGG: 33.2% | 3-Bet: 10.7% | Hands: 65604]

Dealt to Hero: 6 6

UTG Folds, HERO Raises To $0.11, CO Calls $0.11, BTN Folds, SB Raises To $0.55, BB Folds, HERO Calls $0.44, CO Calls $0.44

Hero SPR on Flop: [4.56 effective]
Flop ($1.70): 2 5 4
SB Bets $1.39 (Rem. Stack: 20.26), HERO Calls $1.39 (Rem. Stack: 6.36), CO Folds

Turn ($4.48): 2 5 4 7
SB Bets $7 (Rem. Stack: 13.26), HERO Calls $6.36 (allin)

River ($17.84): 2 5 4 7 T


SB shows: A A

SB wins: $16.34

I think me calling is a pretty big mistake - flop call is likely fine but this guy is almost never bluffing OTT. So I need to exploit fold turn since he has very few bluffs. This hand tilted me pretty hard
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by xamlop
How is this a fold pre in position 160BB deep ?
No way it's a fold. Folding would be a leak
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
No way it's a fold. Folding would be a leak
We aren't IP though; CO has position and is going to call pre most likely. I'd agree if we weren't monkey in the middle in this particular situation.
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
No way it's a fold. Folding would be a leak
otoh, if we make mistakes like this, calling's the leak.

Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
River ($17.84): 2 5 4 7 T


SB shows: A A

SB wins: $16.34

I think me calling is a pretty big mistake - flop call is likely fine but this guy is almost never bluffing OTT. So I need to exploit fold turn since he has very few bluffs. This hand tilted me pretty hard
But he always has AK/AQ here so it's ok.
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-14-2019 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by ionutd
snowie wants to 4b small with mid pairs or fold with these stacks
Snowie thinks he plays vs Snowie, this can't possibly be correct for NL5. But even vs Snowie I find this very weird.
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-15-2019 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by xamlop
Snowie thinks he plays vs Snowie, this can't possibly be correct for NL5. But even vs Snowie I find this very weird.
I think it's pretty sweet. gets rid of co every time, uncaps hero and tries to maximize eq with a weak pair ip , deep stacked in a big pot.

snowie's squeezing range is reasonable, prob less aggressive than humans and I've no doubt that a bot that played billions of hands against itself would get pf right. takes 5% rake into account as well. because it's a bot it no doubt plays pf in a vacuum, like a toy game, but equity is equity and we get to push small edges.

the only counter argument to a small 4b would be if calling were somehow more profitable and I doubt it is. take a look at this flop, it's one of the best for our hand and range and we're not too happy
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-15-2019 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by ionutd
I think it's pretty sweet. gets rid of co every time, uncaps hero and tries to maximize eq with a weak pair ip , deep stacked in a big pot.

snowie's squeezing range is reasonable, prob less aggressive than humans and I've no doubt that a bot that played billions of hands against itself would get pf right. takes 5% rake into account as well. because it's a bot it no doubt plays pf in a vacuum, like a toy game, but equity is equity and we get to push small edges.

the only counter argument to a small 4b would be if calling were somehow more profitable and I doubt it is. take a look at this flop, it's one of the best for our hand and range and we're not too happy
that's really interesting. I do use Snowies pf advisor a lot - but definitely should look more into cool plays like this. thx!
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-15-2019 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
that's really interesting. I do use Snowies pf advisor a lot - but definitely should look more into cool plays like this. thx!
yeah there's a lot of small 4b/5b going on when stacks allow it and in bvb 100x
the paid pc version plays a bit different from the free one on their site. still not worth the money I feel tho

snowie thinks flatting 44-99 is a very small mistake here
vs a squeezing range of 99+,AJs+,A2s-A9s.
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-15-2019 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by ionutd
yeah there's a lot of small 4b/5b going on when stacks allow it and in bvb 100x
the paid pc version plays a bit different from the free one on their site. still not worth the money I feel tho

snowie thinks flatting 44-99 is a very small mistake here
vs a squeezing range of 99+,AJs+,A2s-A9s.
I don't think this is going to show any profit in 5nl. You have given villain a squeezing range that is much wider than average at 5nl from SB. If you 4 bet and get jammed on you have literally butchered your equity in this hand and you have no blockers to his nutted hands.

Why do we want CO to fold if we are purely set mining? Our implied odds then go down if we go HU...

Calling is 100% more profitable...not even close
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
05-15-2019 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by 291
I don't think this is going to show any profit in 5nl. You have given villain a squeezing range that is much wider than average at 5nl from SB. If you 4 bet and get jammed on you have literally butchered your equity in this hand and you have no blockers to his nutted hands.

Why do we want CO to fold if we are purely set mining? Our implied odds then go down if we go HU...

Calling is 100% more profitable...not even close
if anything, taking people out of their comfort zone should show a lot better results when people have no idea how to react
idk about 5nl squeezing ranges but you'd be surprised at the amount of random stupid things ppl do. they're @5nl for a reason. If you don't have massive data, you're seeing a lot of noise. I wouldn't be surprised if DDP were the best 5nl player on that site by a mile. they should bow to him like he's their lord, the savior.
Facing turn ship in 3bet pot - 160BB+ Deep 5NL Quote
