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extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act.

10-26-2010 , 09:36 PM
fun times, but they didn't last long.

I sat at a weak 10NL table with 3 passive shortstackers tonight (for only about a dozen hands, I left afterwards). During that time, a player with 150 BB, sitting immediately on my right, would limp into almost every pot, and then announce his hand in chat! Every time he either showed down or was able to reveal his cards, he would show that he was not lying.

My assumption what that he was setting up the big lie as soon as he got aces or something, but he left after about 8 hands so I didn't get to prove my theory.

I thought the situation was different enough to discuss strategy against him. Obviously you want to isolate and then just bet against his hand - this was somewhat thwarted by the fact that there were several other weak passives at the table, so I wasn't sure how wide to open for fear of being in a multiway pot with Q2.

I'm wondering how far people would adjust their strategy against this unique villain.
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-26-2010 , 10:34 PM
Strategy 1: ignore everything he says and just play your game
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-26-2010 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by tcc1
Strategy 1: ignore everything he says and just play your game
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-26-2010 , 10:41 PM
i would try to see showdowns with pairs and high cards and valuetown him with good pairs

Last edited by Tumaterminator; 10-26-2010 at 10:48 PM.
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-26-2010 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by tcc1
Strategy 1: ignore everything he says and just play your game
stupid, but so is this post.
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-26-2010 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by 7000
stupid, but so is this post.
Why? We spend zillions of hours learning to read the tea leaves to put players on ranges and adjust our play to maximize EV vs. that range.

I'm asking how much people would adjust their play based on the knowledge of one player's hole cards, and a bad player at that.
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-26-2010 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by tcc1
Strategy 1: ignore everything he says and just play your game
I definitely wouldn't ignore everything that he was saying, but I wouldn't believe him either if he started going crazy on a KT2 board after typing "J4", ldo.

I would just try to see if his play makes sense for the hand he just told you to have and play accordingly.

Unfortunately, this is so unlikely to happen that discussing strategy is not even necessary. But this is a fun spot non the less
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-26-2010 , 11:28 PM
lol. so your strategy is ... put him on a logical range, and if the hand he anounces fits the range you assign him then you believe him that this hand is possible.. but if the hand doesn't fit the range, you'll ignore him..

That's sorta like ignoring him and just playing your game. ducy?

He's 83/0. If you need him to tell you what cards he has to beat him, you're doing it wrong.
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-27-2010 , 02:18 AM
lol damn you guys are kinda closeminded about this.

sometimes i will do this at low limits cause i'm just donking around. people never believe me and it cracks me up hella.

op, after you see him do it for awhile evaluate whether or not you have the confidence to put in your whole stacked based on this information. if you do you now have the ability to play any hand against him. he won't believe your bets so you can now value bet extra thin. he'll do weird stuff with all of his hands so get an idea of how he's trying to leverage you.

and even tho i think this is legit sometimes/can make adjustments for it, you can really can't blame anyone when he was lying and owns you lol.
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-27-2010 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by markdirt
lol damn you guys are kinda closeminded about this.

sometimes i will do this at low limits cause i'm just donking around. people never believe me and it cracks me up hella.

op, after you see him do it for awhile evaluate whether or not you have the confidence to put in your whole stacked based on this information. if you do you now have the ability to play any hand against him. he won't believe your bets so you can now value bet extra thin. he'll do weird stuff with all of his hands so get an idea of how he's trying to leverage you.

and even tho i think this is legit sometimes/can make adjustments for it, you can really can't blame anyone when he was lying and owns you lol.
It's fun and the stronger your hand is, the more fun it is to announce it. They rarely believe it and if they do believe you, they always think this is the one time you're lying.

"Wow, I flopped a straight flush. I believe I'll check and slowplay it. (check) (someone bets) I better just call this and hope you bet again on the turn. 'Cause I can't be outdrawn". Then when you stack someone on the river you can say, "Hey, I told you the truth. I was trying to save you money".

After you've done this about 10 times in a row, then you can lie about a hand. Then go back to telling the truth. It's profitable at the micros.
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-27-2010 , 06:23 AM

extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-27-2010 , 09:58 AM
I've done that before in live play, it's fun and they never believe you! I've even announced before the hand was dealt "I'm going to bluff this hand". When I PFR someone said something like, he said he was going to bluff and he is! I got called by two people, bet the flop and one guy folded, bet the turn and the other guy folded and I won the pot, lol.

extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-27-2010 , 09:59 AM
For strategy against this guy I would mostly play my own game but ISO a bit more and value town him to death when HU.

extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-27-2010 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Garon
For strategy against this guy I would mostly play my own game but ISO a bit more and value town him to death when HU.

"That's stupid."
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-27-2010 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by tcc1
"That's stupid."
I really don't understand why you want to ignore this information.

- "humm, he limp/called preflop"

- "I have Q7"

- "then he check called a KQ2 board"

- "I have Q7!!"

- "now he is checking again on a 5 turn.... BUT WHAT CAN HE HAVE?!"
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-27-2010 , 10:35 AM
It doesn't really matter what he has. He's 83/0. Let me put that in range terms for you:

22+,A2s+,K2s+,Q2s+,J2s+,T2s+,92s+,82s+,72s+,62s+,5 2s+,42s+,A2o+,K2o+,Q2o+,J2o+,T4o+,95o+,85o+,75o+,6 4o+,54o

If you can't win against this player, strongly consider jumping off a bridge or at least quitting poker.
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-27-2010 , 10:46 AM
It's not just about wining, it's about maximizing EV and ignoring information is not a way to do that.

If you want to say "he's an 83/0, I can beat him without listening to what he's saying", than what you are saying is true, but you are probably not maximizing EV.

Just imagine you are playing a live game and you know your opponent plays 50% of hands, never as the pfr. Just because you know he is a 50/0 will you ignore other tells he is giving away? Like being overly excited when he gets a premium hand or not showing interest when he clearly missed the flop?

Poker is a game of incomplete information so you shouldn't just ignore information that is given to you
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-27-2010 , 10:48 AM
The information isn't reliable, as has been pointed out itt people lie about their hand all the time, so I'm not making a decision based on it since that may lead me to make mistakes. Hence, it's better to ignore it and simply place him on a range.

Thanks for telling me what poker is, though

ps: a tell is involuntary.. this is voluntary - hence he can control what information he's giving to me so we have to consider that it may be deceitful. It's not the same thing as a tell

Last edited by tcc1; 10-27-2010 at 10:54 AM.
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-27-2010 , 10:59 AM
That's why I told you I would try to see if his play makes sense with his hand. And OP said he had not lied so far, so, until I start seeing him lie or I start seeing him go crazy with "J4" on a KT2 board, I wouldn't ignore everything he would say.
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
10-27-2010 , 11:00 AM
ok dude - gl
extreme adjustment - villain on your right plays 83/0, announces hand in chat before you act. Quote
