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Exploiting Fish Exploiting Fish

09-07-2009 , 05:17 PM
How would you classify the majority of the fish at 25NL? 50NL? Are they calling stations so your fold equity is minimal? Are they weaktight, only continuing when they hit? Basically, to what extent is double barreling, 3betting light, isolating limpers profitable at these stakes?
09-07-2009 , 05:24 PM
stopped by to say HI

Last edited by bigacsiga; 09-07-2009 at 05:25 PM. Reason: oh and take the time to read the stickies... you got answers there
09-07-2009 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by smokeandmirrors
How would you classify the majority of the fish at 25NL? 50NL? Are they calling stations so your fold equity is minimal? Are they weaktight, only continuing when they hit? Basically, to what extent is double barreling, 3betting light, isolating limpers profitable at these stakes?
All of this is profitable at these takes. It's your job to identify what type of fish you're dealing with and exploit him according to your reads. Don't approach everyone w/ the same game plan.
09-07-2009 , 05:27 PM
is this a serious question?
09-07-2009 , 05:28 PM
90% loose passive imo
09-07-2009 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by gonzalo86
is this a serious question?
i doubt it, i think he just posted this so he could read the answers and get a kick out of them
09-07-2009 , 05:33 PM
There are different types of fish, bass, catfish, crappie, etc.

And the same goes for poker.
Some players are too loose, some too tight.

Most just call too much.
09-07-2009 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by JsTs
All of this is profitable at these takes. It's your job to identify what type of fish you're dealing with and exploit him according to your reads. Don't approach everyone w/ the same game plan.
09-07-2009 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by JsTs
All of this is profitable at these takes. It's your job to identify what type of fish you're dealing with and exploit him according to your reads. Don't approach everyone w/ the same game plan.
09-08-2009 , 12:03 AM
Obviously there are all different types of bad players but I personally think that in general, at least at 50NL ring games that I play that the most common type of bad player is more loose passive. They play waaay too many hands, they call and limp too much preflop instead of raising and then they call very loose on the flop.

I also feel that most bad players are more comfortable in preflop spots than after the flop so I generally dont try 3 betting bad players a lot preflop unless I have a real hand.

The best way to approach looses passive types is to just try to have better starting hands than they do and max your value out of every made hand. You will end up winning way more mid sized to big pots in the long run than they will.

I dont really see as many severe calling machines anymore but if you do get into pots with guys who just cant fold then obviosuly you really should never bluff aside from maybe when you make a standard cbet with a strong starting hand that misses the flop.

A lot of players will also tend to almost always call a flop bet with any small pair or ace high etc if the flop doesnt hit multiple face cards or aces. These types generally call pre and call flop with very moderate strength hands, then if you check the turn they will just bet out to try to steal the pot. To beat that type of player you can be more aggresive with missed hands by firing a second bullet on the turn with missed hands THEN on your made hands you can often cbet the flop and then check raise the turn to get max value out of hands like overpairs or top top etc.

You really just need to observe their tendencies and play accordingly. If you are constantly trying to "outplay" bad players you will end up bluffing off a lot of big pots at these lower limits.
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