Hi guys and girls!
This is my first thread so if anything is not in the right place or other issues, feel free to laugh with me :-)
I am working on my game and I have access to preflop ranges that were solved for NL500zoom conditions which means really low rake (compared to lower stakes ofc) but I think it is quite likely that ranges for NL100zoom or NL50zoom might be quiiite different.
I understood that none of these ranges are real perfection and at the same time I still like to have preflop solutions which are mmmh let´s say just not way too loose. I think of it as hmm comparable to a BU vs BB spot. It just happens so frequently that you really want to not be off some combos every time it is your turn to act.
I do not have a computer that is ready to really solve all that alone as far as I know although somehow I would really like that option a lot. But I guess at this point in time it is really helpful to first for example buy good ranges and later on when I have won quite a bit more to go in the direction of doing it myself and more to my exact preferences and so on then.
So the only thing I found online so far were range packs or what one might call it from "PokerGTOSolutions". (I did look for ranges with bigger sizing from BU than from earlier positions.) I could not find any review of this site and I think as far as the site doesn´t seem to be super popular it is a good idea to be a bit cautious here :-). There is some free download of a BB vs SB spot available on the page. I was pumped about it because it might already give me an idea of how far the ranges are different from each other (500/100/50). But when I filled in my name and my email and clicked enter my computer said the site was reported to be dangerous and my screen went red^^.
So if you have experience with ranges from that site / purchased it it would be cool to confirm if the site does not seem a scam. I was a bit surprised that I could not find any review of the site here so far which is not a good sign I think.
Additionally if any of you can and want to recommend a place to go to to get what I want (no nothing sexual at this point guys and girls^^) I would really appreciate your words on it.
I really appreciate any help of you my dear reader and any advice regarding the forum is also very welcome.
Have a nice day