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Equity quiz Equity quiz

09-12-2007 , 06:48 AM
OK, so this is probably suited best for noobs or lower limit player.

I have been playing around with Pokerstove a lot lately and I find it very helpful when put in tricky spot to have a decent feel for my equity vs. what I perceive to be my opponents range. Anyway, the quiz. Try to answer with your gut instinct before using Pokerstove.

Example Question
NL100 FR.

4 folds, super nitty short stack open pushes $10, 4 folds, you hold Q Q in BB.

It’s $9 to call, there is $11.50 in the pot.

You estimate the SS range as AA, KK, QQ, JJ or AK.
What do you think your equity is vs. this range? Should you call?

His range is 35 hands – AA(6), KK(6), QQ(1), JJ(6), AK(16). You are ahead of 24, behind 12 – so it’s an easy call, right?

Another way to look at it is - His range is 35 hands – AA(6), KK(6), QQ(1), JJ(6), AK(16). You are well ahead of 6 hands, well behind 12 hands and 50:50 with 17 hands. This suggests that calling may be a mistake.

So what is it? You need to have an idea of your equity vs. Villains range and that’s where Pokerstove comes in.

Pokerstove tells you that you have 47% equity vs his range, so getting 11.5:9 pot odds makes calling +EV (0.47 x 11.5)+(0.53 x -9)= >0

Clearly, having a good feel for your equity in common situations is a big advantage over those who don’t; especially as the higher you move up in stakes, the smaller the edges you need to push.

So here are three questions to have a go at – without Pokerstove to start with. The hands are made up, as are my estimated ranges.

NL100 FR.

4 folds, Short stack open pushes $10, 4 folds, you hold QJ in BB.

It’s $9 to call, there is $11.50 in the pot.

You estimate the SS range as 55+, A8s+, A9o+, or any 2 broadway.

What do you think your equity is vs. this range – 33%, 38%, 43% or 48%? Should you call?

NL100 FR– Effective stacks are $100

3 folds, you raise to $4 with A Q, only tricky TAG button calls

Flop - A J 9 ($9.50)

You bet $7, Villain calls

Turn - A J 9 4 ($23.50)

You bet $15, Villain pushes.

It’s $89 to call, there is $112.50 in the pot.

You estimate his range to push is a AA, JJ, 99, AJ+, A9s, QTs, J9s or KcJc (he is never on a complete bluff).

What do you think your equity is vs. this range - 33%, 38%, 43%, 48% or 53%? Should you call?

NL100 FR – Effective stacks are $100

3 folds, TAG raises to $4, you call on Button with K J, rest fold

Flop - A J 9 ($9.50)

Hero has 2nd pair + backdoor str8 and flush draws.

Villain bets $7, Hero calls

Turn - A J 9 4 ($23.50)

Hero has 2nd pair and King high FD

Villain bets $15, Hero considers pushing.

If Hero pushes, it’s $89 to win $38.50 if he folds and $112.50 if he calls and wins.

Villain range to bet this turn is AA, KK, JJ, 99, A9s+, ATo+, QTs, T8s

Villain range to call a push is AA, JJ, 99, AJ, J9s, QcTc, AcTc, AcQc

What do you think Hero’s equity is on the turn after Villains bet - 23%, 28%, 33%, 38% or 43%?

Would pushing be +EV?
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09-12-2007 , 07:39 AM
just looking quick

call(think 15 is too small of a bet too)
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09-12-2007 , 10:50 AM
something is wrong w/ #2. shouldn't it be like $74 to call and $127.50 in the pot???
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09-12-2007 , 11:10 AM
Q1 fold...what a sick and unrealistic range
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09-12-2007 , 03:15 PM
Why would villain call with QcTc on hand 3 ?
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