Originally Posted by Doc Jarman
Could you help me with an idea of what good sizing would be here on both flop raise and turn value bet? Thanks for the sympathy as well. This was my first shot at 25nl and I was up 12bb in a little over 120 hands and this hand happened so it's back to 10nl to rebuild.
Turn bet was so smalll because I had seen him make a move earlier where he raised a small turn bet and folded to a shove.
I would raise the flop to about $5.50. Based on your description villian sounds like a TAG, so I'm going to assume he's fairly competent. A small raise here looks like a semi-bluff or a bluff on a wet board - there's no way any decent player (hopefully he sees you as such!) would make such a small raise with a made hand. There's no real need to have balanced ranges at micro stakes, but you don't want to telegraph your hand either.
On the turn as played I'm betting at least half the pot. You may get value from straights, and if he's misplayed a set by flatting the flop then you don't want to let him boat up cheap. He may also have A
Ax, A
8x & A
You might want to read up a little on bankroll management (BRM). You can search the topic on this board, it has been discussed a lot. Most people would argue that there's no problem being fluid with your roll and moving frequently between limits, but if you have to move down to rebuild after getting stacked once then that sounds a little extreme! I would suggest you'd want to give yourself a minimum of 5BIs to take a shot with, otherwise short-term variance is gonna make it very tough for your shot to ever succeed.