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Are Donk bets really this effective? Are Donk bets really this effective?

12-08-2015 , 03:20 AM
I play almost entirely on Bovada 5NL 6-Max Zone. The tables are all anonymous, and you switch tables after every hand. I think those two factors are what makes the donk bet effective, but I'm curious if my results are typical or if I'm just experience some form of long winded variance.
To verify that I am correct in labeling this play as a donk bet, I will further explain. When I am in the small-blind, and it is folded around to the button, who then opens with a 3x raise, I will sometimes call with almost any two cards. Then, on the flop, I am first to act and will wait about 5-10 seconds and then make a raise of about 2/3 pot. In my experience, the button will fold something like 80% of the time in this situation. I don't do this every time, and it's typically dependent on the texture of the flop. If the button calls my bet, I will generally just check-fold the later streets unless the turn helps me a lot.

I'm making this post because everything I read on here strongly discourages any form of bluffing in micro stakes, and I understand the reasoning behind this. In almost any other situation, bluffs are ineffective because you will find many players who just call you down with anything. However, in this exact situation that I've described, I seem to have extremely positive results when making this play. I think this only works because of the anonymous, new tables each hand. In any other format, I'm sure this would be easily exploitable. Let me know if you guys have noticed this to be effective (+EV) as well, or if I'm the odd one out here!

Side note: Another thing that seems to be strongly encouraged for micro-stakes play is to always value bet when you have a good hand, rather than check-raising or slow-playing. However, because being in this situation (in the blinds) leads me to believe my opponent will often fold to a bet on the flop, I find myself checking the flop even when I smash the board and hoping my opponent will make a c-bet, otherwise I will just bet on the turn. What else could I do to ensure I get value when I DO have a good hand on the flop? Perhaps betting around 1/3 of the pot rather than the 2/3 I use when making the donk bet bluff?
Are Donk bets really this effective? Quote
12-08-2015 , 04:26 AM
I should probably clarify that I actually do NOT do this as often as I made it seem. It is dependent on the board. For example, on just about any paired board on the flop, I will always make this play. With an Ace, King, or sometimes a Queen on the flop, I will make this play. However, if there are multiple scare cards on board, I will generally not make a donk bet bluff, as I feel there's a higher chance that my opponent will have hit something, and for this to work they must not hit the flop.
Are Donk bets really this effective? Quote
12-08-2015 , 09:02 AM
Given than the major mistake most 5nl players are making is that they call way too often, I'd say that your strategy as you describe it (calling with any two cards in the small blind and donking certain flops) is really bad and losing you money.
Are Donk bets really this effective? Quote
12-08-2015 , 10:21 AM
In my experience, the players in 5NL Zone, during certain time periods (9am on a Tuesday, for example) seem to fold a large amount of the time. I really should of been more specific in my post, as these times are the only ones that I really implement this 'strategy'. For example, if I play ~30 hands on Zone to start a session, and I notice that almost every hand ends up folded around to me, I will try to do the donk bet once I am in the small blind, and it seems to work a large percentage of the time.

I do not have any poker tracking software yet, so I don't have a way to verify the stats that I feel like I'm experiencing, and I likely could just be noticing the times that it works more than the times that it doesn't, and overall losing money through this play.
Are Donk bets really this effective? Quote
12-08-2015 , 10:34 AM
Play around with it, if you notice that people F a lot to a DB's then thats fine, but if you start DBing then you should usually do it with knowledge of what turn you'll be barreling. Dont think you should DB then XF turn tho!
Are Donk bets really this effective? Quote
12-08-2015 , 03:50 PM
mofos that steal too much and are not experienced enough, indeed gonna fold on almost any flop just because they raise too much unsuited ****ty hands. If it's working - do it, but vs anyone decent the only thing you gonna see is a raise with a pretty wide range.
Are Donk bets really this effective? Quote
12-08-2015 , 09:39 PM
You will get enough folds on a lot of flops in a headsup pot, but usually at 5nl, the BB is going to be flatting ~50% of the time when the button raises and you call in the SB. So really even though you can make this play successfully, you can't really force these spots to happen or you will be spewing.

A profitable flatting range in the SB at this stake is usually not going to be a range that will be wanting to donk often (your range will be mostly SDV hands).
Are Donk bets really this effective? Quote
12-08-2015 , 11:40 PM
It's not as great as you think. If villains at this level aren't punishing you for it now, they will as you move up and people notice that you flat and donk air a lot.

Having a leading range is fine but it doesn't sound like there's a whole lot of method to what you're doing.
Are Donk bets really this effective? Quote
