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Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture? Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture?

10-08-2008 , 05:19 AM
Hey, so I'm fairly new to micro stakes NL. I just used to play tournies for fun. I've read WCGriders posts on why I suck at uNL and they were very helpful. I've also seen a few CR vids on micro stakes full ring.

I open quite a lot of pots in late position now including if there is a limper.

Is it correct to cbet the pot when checked to when only against 1 opponent regardless of the flop texture?

Or should I still check on low flops, suited and connected board etc.

Also what range do you open with in the CO and Button. I'm currently doing any pair, any suited ace and any 2 cards 10+.

Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture? Quote
10-08-2008 , 06:05 AM
Your range on the button is fine for now, although as you get more experience postflop you could widen it a lot. You might actually want to tighten it for now to exclude some smaller aces as well as 'trouble hand' face cards. However position being as powerful as it is, you'll probably want to widen your range as soon as you get any significant number of hands under your belt. Also, regarding your other question, it is correct to cbet on all flops regardless of board texture HU IP only against the right opponent. It is highly dependent on how often your opponent folds to cbet, and what their hand ranges are given their preflop action. For instance, if you are on the button isolating a tight EP set mining limper, then you should cbet on any board texture. On the other hand, if you open raise on the button and an extremely loose fish calls you from the blinds, and the board comes 7-8-9 two tone, you probably won't want to cbet, while on that board texture one would likely cbet in the first example.
Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture? Quote
10-08-2008 , 07:12 AM
First I would widen your range to include SC 56+, these hands have a lot of stealing value post flop and occassionally you will win a big pot with them. I would probably cbet 75% of flops IP HU regardless of texture unless your opponent is a total maniac.
Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture? Quote
10-08-2008 , 12:22 PM
No. Against most opponents I cbet 100% in these spots. However, against aggro villains with low fold to cbet stats or who are otherwise "tricky" (ie: regs I have history with) I sometimes won't cbet flops like 522r unless I have a hand I'm willing to felt. ie; any spot where villain is likely to checkraise you and you're not going to be happy about it.
Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture? Quote
10-08-2008 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Cry Me A River
No. Against most opponents I cbet 100% in these spots. However, against aggro villains with low fold to cbet stats or who are otherwise "tricky" (ie: regs I have history with) I sometimes won't cbet flops like 522r unless I have a hand I'm willing to felt. ie; any spot where villain is likely to checkraise you and you're not going to be happy about it.
weird, imo you should much rather CB on a board like 522 then for example on say a 875 board.
Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture? Quote
10-08-2008 , 01:59 PM
A 1/2 PSB on a 522r flop when checked to me is just fresh meat for 'aggro-low-fold-to-Cbet-guys'.

Even the biggest donks know 522r doesn't hit my BTN PFR range hard, so either I have an overpair or I'm bluffing with a lot of missed overs/SC's, which is way more likely. They can raise me with ATC and see me folding out a lot of holdings, or should I call down with QTo?

Off course I will Cbet a 522r flop if I have a straigthforward playing fit-or-fold guy in the pot.
Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture? Quote
10-08-2008 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Chriswitteman
A 1/2 PSB on a 522r flop when checked to me is just fresh meat for 'aggro-low-fold-to-Cbet-guys'.

Even the biggest donks know 522r doesn't hit my BTN PFR range hard, so either I have an overpair or I'm bluffing with a lot of missed overs/SC's, which is way more likely. They can raise me with ATC and see me folding out a lot of holdings, or should I call down with QTo?

Off course I will Cbet a 522r flop if I have a straigthforward playing fit-or-fold guy in the pot.

Fold equity FTW. Just 4bet shove it instead.
Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture? Quote
10-08-2008 , 03:01 PM
depends on if they have a high fold to cbet percentage or not.
Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture? Quote
10-08-2008 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Teddie
Fold equity FTW. Just 4bet shove it instead.
Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture? Quote
10-08-2008 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Teddie
Fold equity FTW. Just 4bet shove it instead.
So we are like re-rebluffing at 25NL? Mweh, I choose to extract profit from other spots and just check behind if I cannot make a convincing flopbluff against the type of player as described.

At the SS I agree, but at the micro's no.
Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture? Quote
10-08-2008 , 05:12 PM
Doing anything 100% of the time in poker is a disaster waiting to happen. Maybe they flee calling for their mothers when CMAR bets, but I feel like Ted Forrest when he said, "the last time anyone respected my bet was in 1983."

In cbetting, the danger is that it can become exploitable. If one accepts the rule of thumb that a player only hits a flop 1/3 of the time, any time you bet on the flop over 2/3 of the time, you become exploitable to good player (whether there ever is one at your table is another discussion). Let's say you cbet 90% of the time. A villain knows you hit the flop only 33% of the time. The other 57% of the time, you missed. All he has to do is call you flop bet and he knows he's in a +EV position with ATC if you won't defend your hand in some way.

You have two defenses. First, you can make it expensive to do this. This involves double barreling. It has a "chicken" element to it. Lot's of on-line pros do this. It is a high risk, high reward approach. The second is to reduce the cbets you make to around 60%. Now the villain can't make the right play by simply calling your cbet. To balance, you need to check a couple of good hands to protect the ones that aren't.

The worst way to play is to 100% cbet and shut down on the turn if you have nothing/bet if you have something. Even at 25nl, there will be one or two players who will pick up on this over time and decide to go to showdown with you.

Both work and the choice is more of style in my mind. If you have an aggressive to hyperaggressive style, then double barreling makes more sense. If you are playing more small ball, the second seems to be better to me.
Do you always Cbet when checked to against 1 opponent, regardless of board texture? Quote
