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a discussion on cbetting in HUSNG's a discussion on cbetting in HUSNG's

08-09-2010 , 01:43 PM
We all know the value of the c-bet (I hope) and yet there are a lot of things to learn concerning it.

there is one question that has been on my mind lately and I am looking for opinions.

I have heard two distinct and different opinions regarding c-bets against certain opponent types:

Against weak-tight players who play fit or fold on the flop many will either:
a) increase pfr size and decrease c-bet size in order to take down a lot of easy pots, charging the fish to call pre, while taking it down without risking as many chips post flop

b) Increasing the pfr size for the same reason as above, but at the same time making large c-bets in order to fold out more of opponents range, therefore narrowing his range and making it easier for us to know when we're beat post flop.

I am looking for opinions on either method. Personally I lean towards A, but I can see the merit in method B in many ways, however I think it will probably be more costly for us, and may be a major leak.

What do you think? Do you use either of these methods? Neither? Or both, depending on Villain?

And if it is depending on villain type, against what kind of player and on what kind of boards will you employ each method?
a discussion on cbetting in HUSNG's Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:47 PM
B makes little sense against a fof player IMO.
a discussion on cbetting in HUSNG's Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:49 PM
pretty sure all this minutiae is not that necessary, but I'll go with method A. People have a 'binary' type of mindset. They are either calling the flop or folding the flop. Betting 1/2 pot (t60) and betting 2/3 pot (t80) hardly makes a difference.
a discussion on cbetting in HUSNG's Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:53 PM
so you 4x pre and cbet 1/2 pot? makes sense but i think some people are weirded out by 4x raises
a discussion on cbetting in HUSNG's Quote
08-09-2010 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by u cnat spel
pretty sure all this minutiae is not that necessary, but I'll go with method A. People have a 'binary' type of mindset. They are either calling the flop or folding the flop. Betting 1/2 pot (t60) and betting 2/3 pot (t80) hardly makes a difference.
Maybe it doesn't but I think it could. Although this is not a cashgame every BB surely counts, doesn't it?

I am new the whole SNG way of thinking, since I recently made the switch from 6m cash, but I usually go with "A bb saved is a bb earned" kinda mentality.
a discussion on cbetting in HUSNG's Quote
08-09-2010 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by cold chillin
so you 4x pre and cbet 1/2 pot? makes sense but i think some people are weirded out by 4x raises
Sure, some people are. Not alot in the lower stakes I would think. And besides, even if they are wouldn't that just be an other weakness to exploit in villain?
a discussion on cbetting in HUSNG's Quote
08-09-2010 , 02:45 PM
b doesn't make sense. if he's playing fit or fold look at the flop and think if the board hits his range. he's either continuing or folding, the size of the bet doesn't matter.
a discussion on cbetting in HUSNG's Quote
08-09-2010 , 02:48 PM
yeah in my experience (against fish mostly) i've found that sizing doesn't matter - well, once you get to 1/2 pot that is.
a discussion on cbetting in HUSNG's Quote
