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Definitely lost here--50NL Definitely lost here--50NL

04-22-2023 , 10:52 PM
NL Holdem 0.50(BB)
BTN ($60)
SB ($90.76)
HERO ($154.06) [VPIP: 21.8% | PFR: 19% | AGG: 36.9% | Flop Agg: 38.8% | Turn Agg: 36.9% | 3-Bet: 11.1% | 4-Bet: 16.6% | Cold Call: 6.3% | Hands: 16920]
UTG ($57.70)
HJ ($58.39) [VPIP: 21.1% | PFR: 18.4% | AGG: 35.2% | Flop Agg: 37.5% | Turn Agg: 31.4% | 3-Bet: 9.2% | 4-Bet: 20% | Hands: 422]
CO ($57.07)

Dealt to Hero: 9 K

UTG Folds, HJ Raises To $1, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Folds, HERO Calls $0.50

Hero SPR on Flop: [25.51 effective]
Flop ($2.25): 9 6 5
HERO Checks, HJ Checks

Turn ($2.25): 9 6 5 T
HERO Bets $0.81 (Rem. Stack: $152.25), HJ Raises To $2.69 (Rem. Stack: $54.70), Hero?
Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
04-23-2023 , 01:02 AM
Fold Preflop.
Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
04-23-2023 , 07:45 AM
Vs miniraise from MP I think preflop is fine.

Against the earlier position on this board I would prefer play the turn as OB or check. Your hand with the K is a nice check, if he has KQ or something like that you get paid.

On the turn you have to think what is your range and what do you want to bet: 99,TT,66,55,78, T9, AT, KT. All those hands are strong enough to overbet.

If this was BBvsBTN I can understand the 1/3 lead because Villan has lots of weak 9x that can check the flop and call a small bet on turn .

As played, never fold on the turn
Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
04-23-2023 , 10:37 AM
There are so many draws out there I think you have to call the turn and play the river.

Small turn bet may not be the optimal size, but it's not a big deal. Check/ bet small/ bet big are all going to have similar EV in this spot.
Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
04-23-2023 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jackontheturn
There are so many draws out there I think you have to call the turn and play the river.

Small turn bet may not be the optimal size, but it's not a big deal. Check/ bet small/ bet big are all going to have similar EV in this spot.

The best strategy will be to have: small bet / big bet / check. The problem of using a small bet here is to balance the range. If we don't include enough nutted hands in the small bet range, people can just raise and overbet any river because we are sizing the strength of our hand.

Using overbet or check will be easier to implement and to balance and will make our life alot of easier, people are not floating or raising and overbet with air happly
Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
04-23-2023 , 03:42 PM
I agree with the general point, we have lots of big hands in our range, as well as a lot of big draws that want to go for max fold equity, so we should have a range for a large sizing. And if we want to have a small bet sizing too for mostly one-pair hands, it's going to be tricky to balance with our checking range.

But it's not like betting 1/3 with our hand is bad, it's just more difficult to implement as part of a balanced strategy.
Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
04-23-2023 , 04:41 PM
Obviously this is because the turn is better for MP. If the turn was a 7, BB can use 1/3 bet at high frequency for value/protection.
Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
04-24-2023 , 01:16 AM
What is IP's value threshold for his raise? Likely Tx and overpairs. I don't think people are ever checking straights IP on a two-tone board.

It's very hard for IP to have enough bluffs - just because the board has many draws means nothing. Most of his draws are c-betting on the flop, and turned flush draws are likely incentivized to call the OOP block bet. And regardless, a range of just value and strong draws absolutely crushes your marginal pair.

Calling here is likely just a huge blunder in practice. His value range is really well defined, but also capped. I think 3-bet bluffing here is a reasonable idea, and just barreling most rivers. I don't see many people properly defending against such aggression.

Last edited by fornax_gc; 04-24-2023 at 01:25 AM.
Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
04-24-2023 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by L94E
Vs miniraise from MP I think preflop is fine.

Against the earlier position on this board I would prefer play the turn as OB or check. Your hand with the K is a nice check, if he has KQ or something like that you get paid.

On the turn you have to think what is your range and what do you want to bet: 99,TT,66,55,78, T9, AT, KT. All those hands are strong enough to overbet.

If this was BBvsBTN I can understand the 1/3 lead because Villan has lots of weak 9x that can check the flop and call a small bet on turn .

As played, never fold on the turn
Yea the turn sizing/bet, period, is the mistake here. We have so many amazing draws with which to balance our value OBs.

My issue is letting villain see a free river card...

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Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
04-24-2023 , 11:35 AM
I'd fold this one, really **** hand on such a board
Not a fan of leading turn but it's not the worst, it's just your overall gameplan is probably face up and telegraphed
Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
04-26-2023 , 05:53 AM
check flop call if they bet up to 1xpot bigger than that and i think its ok to start folding. Turn lead is bad if you check BTN has a lot of worse hands that they should bet with. When you bet most of the hands that fold are worse and a lot of better hands and draws with decent equity continue. You do get some value from weaker 9s and wired 6s that will call but its less than the value of playing your hand as a bluff catcher. I think the play is to just check call down against reasonable bets but you can start folding if an ace comes out as HJ has a bunch of aces in their bluffing range. A river diamond isnt great either
Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
04-26-2023 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by aner0
I'd fold this one, really **** hand on such a board
Not a fan of leading turn but it's not the worst, it's just your overall gameplan is probably face up and telegraphed
Yea I let this one go, but only bet in the first place to deny equity to villain's overcards. Didn't think they were likely to delay cbet on this texture. Would be more likely to x/c on a Broadway or Ace.

Looks like ppl are saying we should mostly OB on this texture, just not sure if we have multiple sizings or just the one.

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Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
04-26-2023 , 12:59 PM
Not a huge fan of the turn bet. As played, it's one of those OOP spots that you know you're ahead of your opponent's range, but there's a crap ton of bad rivers for you. This is a hate fold and demonstrates why IP is so much higher EV.
Definitely lost here--50NL Quote
