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Deepstacked full house Deepstacked full house

08-22-2023 , 04:07 PM
5NL GGpoker Rush&Cash, 200bb deep

I open $0,1 in CO with 2♥️2♠️
BB calls

Flop($0,22) Q♠️9♣️2♣️
I bet $0,14
BB raises $0,45
I re-raise $1,2
BB calls

Turn($2,62) 8♦️Q♠️9♣️2♣️
BB checks
I bet $1,8
BB calls

River($6,22) 9♥️8♦️Q♠️9♣️2♣️
BB checks
I bet all-in $7,08
BB calls Q♥️9♦️

On the turn i was not too happy with JT getting there but nevertheless thought my bottom set can go for value.

On the River in my mind i was only losing to 3 combos of Q9s,98s,99.

Opponent had solid stats 22/16 over 500h so I discredited Q9o and 98o.

Was the hand played ok and i just got coolered or cloud i have done something better?
Deepstacked full house Quote
08-23-2023 , 03:12 PM
When you open that low opponnent can call with a lot of junk hands and can have almost any two cards. Except his 3 bet range. So I don't think you can discredit the off-suit combos.

On the river you want to make worse hands call, right? I'm not sure jamming 140bb's accomplishes this.

I'd go for a much smaller value sized bet. Not sure I would be able to fold to a raise, though.
Deepstacked full house Quote
08-23-2023 , 05:24 PM
Looks OK to me.

Deepstacked full house Quote
08-24-2023 , 03:30 AM
Thank you for your reply!🙏

Originally Posted by Jacon
When you open that low opponnent can call with a lot of junk hands and can have almost any two cards. Except his 3 bet range. So I don't think you can discredit the off-suit combos.
I have been experimenting a little bit with my opening sizings by opening 2x on aggresive tables an 3x on loose passive tables, but I have learned openings/defending ranges for 2,5x.
Gonna go back to opening only 2,5x to have better understanding of opponents possible defending ranges.

Originally Posted by Jacon
On the river you want to make worse hands call, right? I'm not sure jamming 140bb's accomplishes this.
Since Turn big part of my thought process was about JT and on river that was my main focus, although idk how much JT is left on the river when opponent check raises flop and check calls turn
Deepstacked full house Quote
08-24-2023 , 07:59 AM
$1,50 on the river. Then he can c/raise bluff or value a flush and c/c with a wider range.
Deepstacked full house Quote
