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Dealing with an aggressive player Dealing with an aggressive player

11-29-2014 , 01:54 AM
Blinds are 2$/4$ equivalent.
Average stacks are around 100 BB to 150 BB. A russian guy is playing very loose and hyper aggressive post flop as in triple barreling on any boards with draws and haven't got to many showdowns but have made some bluffs during the session and got called . He is raising about 25% of the hands (particularly in position) that are being dealt and calling and limping about 20% of the hands.

Russian guy's stack ( ~130 BB) ( 400 $)
My stack ( 200 BB) ( 800$)
Hand Q J on BTN
He opens for 20$ from HJ ( standard raise size is around 5 BB or more)
one caller , I also called , BB calls ( Both other players are pretty weak and not showing any aggression postflop)

Pot ( ~ 85 $ )

Flop 8 9 2

Russian guy bets about 85 % of pot ( 70$), One fold, i floated with intentions of bluffing him on later street or maybe i hit my hand. BB folds.

Pot ( 225$)

Turn 9

He bets again . this time 160$ , Leaving him with about 150$. I cannot call now but can I shove here ? Am i getting any fold equity on his part or should i wait for a bettter spot?? Action ??
Dealing with an aggressive player Quote
11-29-2014 , 04:59 AM
I assume this is live? I don't have any experience playing live poker but I can give you my opinion based on what I've learn't playing much lower stakes online.


And for some very general strat advice against this type of player you want to be slow playing your TP+ hands more than usual(give him a chance to spew) and give up earlier in the hand than you normally would with weak holdings that arn't going to be able to take any heat on later streets. So heads up folding flop with bottom pair should be pretty standard against this type of player. Don't float much either unless you think you have enough equity + implied odds to do so.

When you get tp+ don't fold. If he's just some aggro fish then your best bet is not trying to beat him by bluffing him off pots. He likely think's other players are bluffing a lot too and will probably not fold much.
Dealing with an aggressive player Quote
