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COvsSB 3bp flop raise line check COvsSB 3bp flop raise line check

03-09-2021 , 04:18 PM
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD Poker HUD and Database Software

NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO ($24.55) [VPIP: 22.4% | PFR: 18.3% | AGG: 22.2% | Flop Agg: 24.9% | Turn Agg: 19% | 3-Bet: 8.8% | 4-Bet: 9.8% | Hands: 22489]
BTN ($19.13) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 1]
SB ($26.30) [VPIP: 100% | PFR: 100% | AGG: 50% | Flop Agg: 100% | Turn Agg: 0% | 3-Bet: 100% | Fold to 3-Bet: 0% | 4-Bet: 0% | Hands: 1]
BB ($27.99) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 1]
UTG ($52.09) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 1]
HJ ($55.13) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 1]

Dealt to Hero: T 9

UTG Folds, HJ Folds, HERO Raises To $0.75, BTN Folds, SB Raises To $2.75, BB Folds, HERO Calls $2

Hero SPR on Flop: [3.79 effective]
Flop ($5.75): 4 4 J
SB Bets $1.37 (Rem. Stack: $22.18), HERO Raises To $3.49 (Rem. Stack: $18.31), SB Calls $2.12 (Rem. Stack: $20.06)

Turn ($12.73): 4 4 J A
SB Checks, HERO Bets $4.75 (Rem. Stack: $13.56)

Thought I might be able to have a raising range vs such a small flop bet, won't have a lot of 4x but the ones I do have I'd imagine will want to raise

Not sure how often I want to bet this turn (let alone with this hand), since he probably b/c a fair amount of AK/AQ vs that raise size, but idk how often I can really just x it down if I don't hit a pair ott
COvsSB 3bp flop raise line check Quote
03-09-2021 , 04:27 PM
can you explain the flop sizing to us? i just don't have a raising range here but having a small one can't be bad, but i can't wrap my head around the sizing since if our raising range is tiny and built around 4x i'd imagine we want to go big?
COvsSB 3bp flop raise line check Quote
03-09-2021 , 04:34 PM
No idea what it should actually be, but the main factors that influenced my decision to go a bit smaller were the low spr, dry board texture, and my positional advantage
COvsSB 3bp flop raise line check Quote
03-09-2021 , 04:55 PM
There's not enough range asymmetry to build raising ranges around. We need sets/straights/FDs etc. This board is just bone dry. And the 4x combos we have in our range - well he can have A4s too so we just always call even vs Villain's bad sizing.

I think not having a raising range at all in 3bet pots at 100BB's seems good. Maybe if we get deeper and the board is amazing for us + Villain incorrectly cbets small - you could have a small %.

I'd also fold PF as population under 3bets in general but of that 3bet range there's a fair amount of Tx that dominates us.
COvsSB 3bp flop raise line check Quote
