Originally Posted by nawledge4pwr
Perhaps you could suggest some hands I should add?
Pretty much all kx's, a bunch of suited diamonds, and maybe even 56.
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt
158,400 games 0.127 secs 1,247,244 games/sec
Board: 4s Kd 6d
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 66.963% 66.96% 00.00% 106070 0.00 { AcAh }
Hand 1: 33.037% 33.04% 00.00% 52330 0.00 { 66, 44, AKs, K2s+, QdJd, 64s+, AKo, K2o+, 64o+ }
I think his range is a little closer to that.
Also an aggression factor of 1.5 isn't exactly passive considering his vpip.
I actually think your hand analysis is pretty good, but you're just giving the villain slightly too much credit. And I admit that my hand range is a bit too loose for his 4betting range, but it's close enough.